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    Logan didn't check out, and most of the luggage was in the hotel.

    But she did find a new place to live outside. As for where, no one knew.

    Luo Fanxing clicked on WeChat, and rested her fingertips on the cold and bright screen. After more than ten seconds passed, she quickly typed out a sentence.

    [Sorry, sister Pei Yi, I don't know where she lives now, you should know my relationship with her, why did she tell me her new address]

    This is true.

    Several people who knew Luo Zhen well knew that Luo Zhen never allowed Luo Fanxing to call her sister. The two sisters lived together in Luo's family for more than ten years, but they were actually strangers.

    It was only recently that the two of them came to Yuanxiang together, and the stiff relationship eased a little.

    Luo Fanxing had already talked to this point, Pei Yi couldn't press her any further, so she had to hastily end the chat.

    At 10:15 in the night, Luo Zhen stood downstairs in the old house. He didn't leave until he saw the lights in the last room on the fifth floor.

    After coming out of Pingyang Road, she didn't go back to the hotel, nor did she go back to the Tangshui shop. Instead, she went to the bar.

    Ning Rou wanted to change jobs, but what she could do was manual work that sold her labor power.

    Working in the tea restaurant during the day is hard enough, and I have to continue to work at night. Even if I try to feed her ginseng and deer antler every day to supplement nutrition, my body will break down sooner or later.

    Working in a bar is not very tiring, but the off-duty time is too late, if you can't sell alcohol, you won't get a commission for a month, and your salary will appear to be low.

    Instead of looking for a new job, it would be better to adjust the working hours of the bar forward and change the job content.

    Although only one day has passed, as long as the money is in place, nothing is impossible.

    When Ning Rou didn't know, the bar she worked in had changed its name to 'Luo'.


    Ning Baobao went shopping in the mall at night, and fell asleep in her mother's arms before returning home, and did not wake up until she returned to the house.

    The child slept soundly and soundly, Ning Rou didn't want to wake her up, so she hugged her daughter and fell asleep together.

    One big and one small, they just waited to get up and take a shower the next morning.

    I don't know if it was because Ning Rou had a rare dream because she was with Luo Zhen all day yesterday.

    It was the kind of dream she had never had before.

    She didn't remember the contents of the dream very clearly, the only thing she could be sure of was that the woman in the dream was Luo Zhen.

    When she woke up from her sleep in the morning, her forehead was covered with sweat, her cheeks were astonishingly red, and even the lovely pink soft fabric was completely wet as if it had been soaked in water overnight.

    So embarrassing.

    She has never had such a strong idea of ​​being possessed by others, even in the third year after her marriage with Luo Zhen, after the two actually had a relationship, she was not particularly keen on this kind of thing.

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