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  Just relying on five messages is not enough to determine the identity of the man.

Zheng Bang had no choice but to use the existing information to narrow down the candidates step by step.

Using the professional vocabulary mentioned in the man's reply as keywords, he sorted out all the relevant medical literature published in China in the past 30 years.

Luo Zhen opened an article at random, and found that the research was on the changes of various hormone indicators in a woman's body after pregnancy, so she roughly read it.

She still remembered that when she and Ning Rou first got married, she took Ning Rou to a private clinic for a comprehensive physical examination, and no problems were found at that time.

According to the doctor at the time, Ning Rou had high levels of several hormones in her body, but they were still within the normal range and would not affect her health.

It's been too long, and I don't know if the medical report is still there.

If you can find it, maybe you can see the difference between Ning Rou's body and ordinary people's.

One night will soon pass.

Luo Zhen still woke up the earliest.

The glutinous rice balls I bought yesterday have been kept in the refrigerator all night, and Baby Ning must not be able to eat them.

Considering the child's health, she went downstairs before seven o'clock and bought breakfast again.

When Ning Rou opened the door, Luo Zhen was holding porridge and iced glutinous rice balls in both hands.

"Baby can't eat food that is too cold, so I went to buy porridge."

"As for the two servings of glutinous rice balls, I think it can only be settled by the two of us." The

natural and considerate tone seemed to have become a part of the family .

Ning Rou nodded, suddenly remembering what Luo Zhen said about marriage last night, her heartbeat became chaotic again.

With the air conditioner installed at home, the sleep quality of both mother and daughter has improved a lot.

Ning Rou is affected by the biological clock, so she can get up on time in the morning, while Ning Baobao is young and sleeps longer than before.

It was seven twenty at this moment, and she hadn't woken up yet, still curled up in the blanket and sleeping soundly.

Luo Zhen put the breakfast in his hand on the dining table, saw that Ning Rou had gone to the bathroom to change, and then walked slowly towards the bed step by step.

The air conditioner is installed in the center of the room, and when the cold wind blows to the side of the bed, there is just a little bit of coolness left, so there is no need to worry about catching the children.

Baby Ning was covered with a small blanket, with his own shark pillow on his head, and he was still holding the doll he caught yesterday.

The clips on her head were removed, her yellow hair was in a mess, and a few strands of hair on the top of her head were pressed up, looking very cute.

Luo Zhen sat down along the edge of the bed, just quietly staring at the villain under the blanket, unconsciously, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

From then on, she seemed to have no reason to dye her hair anymore.

When Ning Rou came out of the bathroom, it was already half past seven.

There was only half an hour left for the school bus to arrive, and Baby Ning was still sleeping.

Luo Zhen was reluctant to wake people up, but at Ning Rou's request, he had to do so.

She stretched out her hand and caressed Baby Ning's face. The moment she let go of her fingers, she called out 'Baby'.

Very gentle voice.

It was exactly the same as what Baby Ning heard in his dream.

Calls rang out one after another, and after a few seconds, she finally raised her little hand and rubbed her eyes.

Opening her sleepy eyes, she first saw her aunt sitting by the bed with her clothes in her hands, and then her mother standing by the dining table holding a water glass to make medicine for herself.

Like a beautiful dream.

There are mothers and aunts in the dream.

Ning Baobao didn't get up angry, even if someone woke her up from her sleep, she wouldn't get angry and cry.

She looked at Luo Zhen, and before she had time to speak, she pursed her lips and smiled.

A happy smile from the heart moved the hearts of the bystanders.

Luo Zhen moved his body forward, and his heart softened slightly.

"I still have to go to school today, it's time to get up."

Hearing this, Ning Baobao made sure that he was not dreaming, and the corners of his mouth curled up more obviously.

She stretched out her two small arms, followed the child's instinct of being coquettish, and softly called out to Luo Zhen.

"Auntie, hug~"

After all, he is still a child under the age of five.

Luo Zhen's heart melted instantly.

The daily life of a family of three is very happy in everything they do.

After sending Baby Ning to school, Luo Zhen rode a bicycle to send Ning Rou to the sugar shop.

Under her arrangement, the master was not feeling well today and went home to rest. Song Fu also asked for leave due to personal matters, which meant that only Ning Rou was guarding the shop today.

There are ready-made sugar water and glutinous rice balls in the freezer in the back kitchen, which can be served to guests after heating.

Ning Rou had no experience of looking at a store alone, so she couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

Luo Zhen seized the opportunity and stayed.

The master and Song Fu left one after another, and there were only two people left in the small shop filled with the aroma of sweet soup.

Of course, the 'open' sign on the store door was also replaced by 'closed'.

There were no guests all morning.

After Ning Rou was free, she went to the back kitchen to make glutinous rice balls, while Liu Luozhen was guarding in the front hall.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a mom-and-pop shop.

The boss welcomes guests at the door, and the proprietress is busy in the kitchen.

Luo Zhen knew that there would be no guests today, so after only sitting at the counter for twenty minutes, he couldn't sit still, and went to the kitchen secretly.

Ning Rou was making dough, her hands were covered with flour.

She was wearing a clean white apron, and her long straight black hair was tied into a low ponytail, hanging obediently behind her, and her two small pink ears were exposed, which made people want to pinch her hands. pinch.

Luo Zhen stood at the kitchen door and watched for several minutes, his eyes were fascinated, and his throat moved unconsciously.

She claims that she has no special hobbies, such as the temptation of uniforms, she has never been interested, but for some reason, the scene of Ning Rou kneading dough in an apron easily arouses the desire in her heart.

Unable to tell the reason, she could only attribute the reason to the suppression of desire brought about by the five-year separation.

Many images flashed through my mind, most of which were limited to adults.

Luo Zhen looked gloomy, and coughed lightly, Ning Rou turned her head and glanced at the door at this moment.

"Ah Luo, is there a guest here?"

Ning Rou's reaction was still a beat slower.

The flash of confusion in her eyes made her even more bewildered.

Seeing her appearance, Luo Zhen didn't know what to think of, and a thin layer of red suddenly appeared on his face.

Fortunately, the red was not so obvious, and her expression was so calm, Ning Rou didn't notice any abnormality.

"No guests."

"I'm here to see you."

Still in the usual cold tone.

Ning Rou bent her lips and pointed to the glutinous rice dough on the chopping board.

"I'm kneading noodles. I'll make sesame glutinous rice balls later. The master said that I will test tomorrow."

Luo Zhen stepped closer and scanned the stove, seeing a lot of unprepared fillings.

"Do you need my help?" There

is only one kind of glutinous rice balls, and Ning Rou can come here in a hurry.

She wanted to refuse, but the expectation in Luozhen's eyes was too obvious, she really couldn't say 'no', so she nodded in agreement in the end.

"There is an apron on the shelf behind the door."

"You need to change into the apron first, and then wash your hands before you can help."

Although Luo Zhen is smart and can do everything, but after all, he has never made glutinous rice balls. Rou stays in the kitchen together, she is the apprentice, Ning Rou is the master.

She obeyed all Ning Rou's orders unconditionally, first she changed her apron, then washed her hands, and washed the black sesame seeds with clean water as required.

She hadn't washed the black sesame seeds, and rinsed them several times with a strainer, but she was still not sure if she had washed them clean.

There is no other way, I still ask Ning Rou for help.

"Rourou, is this okay?"

Ning Rou put down the dough in her hand, walked to the pool and took a look, and shook her head after only one glance.

"That's not the case."

"You have to shake the filter." As

soon as she said that, she turned on the faucet, and immediately held Luozhen's hands with both hands, teaching him what to do step by step.

"Did you see it?"

"When the water falls, the filter must be shaken, so that it can be washed clean."

She was very patient, holding Luo Zhen's hand, repeating this action tirelessly, until Luo Zhen learned it, she smiled Let go of your hand.

For no reason, a faint sense of satisfaction welled up in her heart.

With such an excellent woman as Luo Zhen, it is impossible for her not to feel inferior.

Luo Zhen knows everything, but she doesn't even know words.

Regardless of family background, education or appearance, there is a huge gap between her and Luo Zhen.

She is also working silently to narrow this gap.

From this point of view, her dedication has paid off.

At least, in this small kitchen, it was she who taught Rozen, not Rozen who taught her.

She lowered her eyes, but it was not hard to see a smile on her face.

Luo Zhen saw this smile in his eyes, his brows stretched, and he thanked him softly.

"Thank you for teaching me so patiently."

"You study well and teach well."

It's just a sesame seed wash, so what's the point of boasting like that?

Although Ning Rou thought so in her heart, she still bit her lips and smiled.

"I don't want to waste your money for nothing."

She didn't forget that she could learn crafts here with peace of mind, all because of the woman in front of her who paid her a year's tuition at once.

Hearing these words, Luo Zhen's expression suddenly became serious, and when he spoke, his tone was extremely firm.

"No waste."

"I believe in you, one day - you will own a store of your own."


Qiu Yu is the head of the Department of Psychology, Haida Medical College, and a well-known psychiatrist in the country. Not only the professional level is excellent, but the character is also famous.

Xu Xian participated in the school's work-study program as an undergraduate and worked as her assistant for half a year. The relationship between the two has always been very good.

All the teachers in the courtyard have heard of Zhou Ruguang's name.

Knowing that Pei Yi was his daughter, Qiu Yu was a little surprised. Out of the basic qualities of a doctor, she didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

Pei Yi had no way to say anything about hurting Luo Zhen back then, but only vaguely stated that she had hurt a friend when she was young.

The two chatted for an afternoon, and Qiu Yu quickly determined that the reason why she couldn't control her hand was because she felt too much guilt in her heart, which made her feel that she should pay the corresponding price for what happened back then—

since she let that person A friend can't talk about the piano, so she herself, it's best not to touch the piano again in this life.

Stubborn thinking is hard to change on your own.

Not to mention, Pei Yi has a problem with the value of dealing with things.

After making an appointment with Qiu Yu for the next meeting, she left the office.

When she went out, there was no one in the corridor. She thought Xu Xian had left first, but she didn't expect that just as she was about to go downstairs, she happened to see a familiar figure walking out of the classroom at the end of the corridor.

It's Xu Xian.

She stopped in place without moving, her face was gentle, but her posture was proud.

Xu Xian trotted all the way, and soon came to her.

"I'm sorry, I saw a few juniors just now, and they called me to the lab."

"I told Teacher Qiu, just let me know when you're done. Fortunately, I caught up."

Xu Xian didn't wear white I don't wear a coat, but I still have a faint smell of disinfectant on my body.

Pei Yi nodded, pursed her lips tightly, and quickly walked towards the door.

Her expression was indifferent, showing no joy or anger.

Thinking of her hand, Xu Xian felt a little worried, but she was too embarrassed to ask more questions.

It wasn't until he left the college building that he finally couldn't hold back and asked in a low voice.

"Is your hand okay?"

Pei Yi paused when she heard this, but still didn't speak.

The car was parked in the open space in front of the courtyard, and because she was afraid of being seen by acquaintances, she got into the car quickly, and when Xu Xian also sat in the passenger seat, she finally let go of her lips and answered calmly.

"Not good."

"Doctor Qiu said that there is no way to recover in a short time."

"Next week, I have to come again." The

concert is less than fifteen days away, and the hand is not good, how can I perform?

It was obviously none of her business, but Xu Xian seemed more nervous than anyone else.

Pei Yi looked very calm, not worried about this matter at all.

But the more this happened, the more people worried about her state.

"Are you okay?" "Are you okay?

My hand won't heal

either." Pei Yi turned her head to look at the girl beside her.

"Stop talking about this, and share something happy with me."

"I heard that you helped Dad solve a big problem, related to the pregnancy membrane-

is it?"

The author has something to say: Thank you in 2021- 09-16 23:49:13~2021-09-17 22:37:14, the little angel who voted for the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for the rocket launcher: Ms.Lawrence, 15702129, Gui Guest. Late autumn 1;

thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 64 bottles of Xinxin; .54 bottles; 50 bottles of 52620528; 47 bottles of Yizhou; 30 bottles of Qi Sanyan; 7 bottles of Kenzy; 5 bottles of Bubble Water and Yiyi Cloud; 2 bottles of Buxianxian;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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