The moment when Kylo died flashed in his mind. He looked up at her. "Never... again..." he blasted both Vision and Pietro back."

He grabbed vision with his magic. He slammed the cyborg into the ground and filled him with magic to the point vision exploded.

Wanda froze.

"Oh... no..."

Anthony shot a fatal blast at Pietro. He fell to the ground. Wanda stared at Anthony blankly.

"Wanda..." Anthony said.

She didn't take her gaze off of him.

"The only reason why you're alive still is because I somehow believed there was still good in you. But guess what..." he said as his eyes glowed.

"I don't sense any in you anymore." He flew at her with his power filling the air.

She suddenly opened a portal and pulled Kylo through. "Then kill him!" Anthony stopped as he saw Kylo.

This was a different Kylo from who saved him.

Kylo looked beaten and afraid.

Anthony looked at Wanda. His eyes glowing red. "Kill me through him and win." She said.

Anthony looked at her and lowered his hand. His magic receded. He looked at Wanda as his eyes glowed. He chuckled and sighed.

"Wanda..." he said.

She looked at him. She felt someone tap her shoulder from behind. The real Anthony was behind her. He blasted her into the Avengers tower.

Anthony held Kylo and made a clone to watch him. "Anthony..."

"I'll be right back." He walked over to Wanda. She panted as she pushed herself.

"Wanda... you've killed a lot of innocent." He said. She shot a blast at him, but he absorbed it. He looked at her darkly.

"You first killed my brothers daughter, my niece..." he kicked her into the wall. Wanda winced and tried to cast a spell but he pinned her down with magic.

"You kidnapped my father, banished me to a planet to die... conquered the world." He said as he lifted her up into the air.

"And I've only killed your illusions... it's amazing how we both have the same power and yet... we went down different paths." He said as he brought her over to him.

She winced but smirked. "Oh... I-I disagree."

Anthony was about to blast her when he froze. A gun sounded. He stumbled forward as he felt his side. He panted as he glared at her.

He turned and saw his mother holding the gun. "The... the bullets poisoned..." Wanda said.

Anthony felt his vision getting fuzzy and himself weak. He kept his grip on Wanda.

He fell to his knees and gripped his chest as he struggled to breathe. His clone disappeared.

He was about to give up when he saw his mother put the gun against Kylos head. Anthony's eyes widened.


Never again.

In an split second, he shot a blast which knocked his mother back. She felt and hit her head. She didn't move.

Wanda laughed and laughed.

He held his head. "Shut... UP!" he shot a blast at her. He slammed her against the wall and started to absorb her magic. Tears ran down his face as she looked at him darkly.

She gripped his wrist as she didn't expect him to take her magic.

He took all her magic and dropped her. She winced and coughed up blood. She stared at the ceiling.

"Ah... you.. you got me... didn't think you'd be able to fight the poison so well..." she said. Anthony looked at her.

Tears went down her face. "I just wanted to see... m-my boys again." Anthony limped over and nodded.

"I can... do that for you." He placed his hand against her head and let her live her final moments in an illusion with her sons and vision.

She smiled softly as she closed her eyes. Her heartbeat stopped.

Anthony moved his hand and started to walk way from the rubble. His mind was silent.

He held his side as blood showed Between his hands. He looked up and saw Kylo running over to him. He fell forward but was caught by Kylo.

"Stay awake hun!" Kylo said as he looked at him. Anthony looked at him weakly. "The... the poison..." he mumbled as he saw everyone running out

Kylo held him close as he looked at him. "I got you..." Anthony reached up and held his face. A soft smile went across his face as he just enjoyed seeing him alive.

"It's so good to see you..." Anthony said.

Kylo teared up and rubbed his cheek. "Likewise my dear..."

The Son Of Doctor Strange Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant