Finn Balor-Storms

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Pairing: Finn Balor x Reader

Warnings: Fluff

Word Count: 697

Summary: Your scared of the thunder and Finn tries to calm you down during a heavy storm.

A/N: I'm not a fan of this, Hope You Enjoy!


The rain hit the roof hard as thunder could be heard and lighting could be seen through the window. You've always hated storms, no matter what was happening outside. It's just the sound of the thunder and the flickering light from the lightning that scares you and ever since then, you hated them.

Usually you have family or a friend with you and in this case you have your boyfriend, Finn. He was supposed to be coming home today, but you don't know if he is because of the storm. You just want and need comfort.

You were curled up in a ball, in the corner, with a blanket over your head, shaking, trying to mute the thundering noise from outside. Finn doesn't know about your problem, but god did you wish he did. A loud cracking of thunder came around while you let out another cry.

Tears were running down your face as you waited for it to end. You didn't even hear the front door opening. "Gosh, that's a nasty storm out there." Finn groaned, pulling his coat off and pulling his suitcase to the side. "Love, I'm home!" All the lights were off as he walked through the hallway, to look for you.

"Love?" Finn checked every room, but didn't see you, until he walked by y'all shared bedroom. He heard sniffling and cries. He gently pushed the door open and saw a hall in the corner. "Love? It's that you?" As he got closer, the cries got louder. He slowly reached out for the blanket and yanked it off, revealing too.

Your face was red, tears streaming down your cheeks, and your knees to your chest. "Woah, are you okay?" He sat down next to you, pulling you in his lap. He pushed your head into his neck, while rubbing your back. "Hey, it's gonna be alright, Love. I promise." He whispered in your ear.

He couldn't think of a reason to why you were crying until lightning brightened up the room causing you to jolt up and cry even harder. Finn then understood fast, considering his little sister was scared of storms. He looked around the room for his suitcase and remembered it was downstairs.

He was pretty sure he still had his nose canceling headphones in there. He gently moved you off his lap. I'll be right back." He attempted to get up, but you were quick to grab his leg. "N-no, no! Don't l-leave me! P-please, please, please-" You begged, not wanting to be alone. Finn was shocked.

He's never seen it this bad. "Hey, hey, I'm not gonna leave you." He said, running his hand through your hair. He thought for a second before bending down and picking you up. He carried you downstairs and sat you on the floor before grabbing the headphones and putting them on your ears.

He rushed to the kitchen and got some of your favorite snacks before returning to you. He fed you the snacks and praised you and before you knew it, you were out. Finn sighed, looking down at you, then realizing the rain stopped. He got up and looked outside, shocked to see that a that fell over, crushing the trampoline in the backyard.

No wonder you were so scared. He looked back at you before laying next to you sleeping.

You woke up and instantly noticed that you were in the room. You don't remember coming here until you looked beside you and saw Finn staring at you. "Good morning..." You said holding his hand under the covers. He just sat there, staring at you. "I'm sorry, about last night, I-"

Finn cut you off, shaking his head. "There's no need to apologize, Love. My sister has the same problem, you can't help it."

You smiled, after hearing him say that. All the ex's you've been with, clowned you saying, "You're a grown adult and you're scared of rain." You hated it, but now that Finn knows, you feel like you can show yourself. "Thank you." You thanked him, nuzzling your head in his neck.

"I'll always be here when there's a storm. I promise."

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