Solo Sikoa-Peace

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Pairing:  Solo Sikoa x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,038

Summary: After a stressful day at work, Solo makes plans to cheer you up.

A/N: Just a short oneshot about sweet Solo. Hope You Enjoy!


When you FaceTimed Solo at 2:30 he instantly picked up, ready to hear about how your day has gone so far, but when he saw your face, a frown came to his.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why're frowning?" He asked as you let out a sigh on the other end. "Work's been stressful and at least 5 people called out last night, so the boss is trying to split everyone's work to us who are here. It's so stressful and so much work."

Solo watched as you spoke fast, and your hand rubbed over your forehead. "And then to make it 'even better,' I forgot my lunch in the fridge, so I'm just gonna have to sit here and starve."

Oh, that's what the container was in the fridge.

Solo saw it, but didn't touch it, not knowing what it was. "Oh, well I'm sorry you're having a bad day. What time do you get off?" He asked.

You looked at the clock on the wall before responding. "I'm almost done with the work, and the boss said I can leave early once I finish so probably at 4?" Solo nodded his head taking note.

"I'll try not to take a long time, but it's-" You stopped talking as you looked up at someone. Solo watched as you spoke to someone he couldn't see, your eyebrows scrunching down. "No, it's my lunch break." You tried to explain.

Then Solo could hear someone else. 'You're not eating anything, so you need to get to work. Now.' The sound of footsteps could be heard and you looked down at your phone with an apologetic look. "Baby, I gotta go. I'll see you at 4 or 5." Solo said his goodbyes and hung up.

The look on your face and the way you ranted to him in only 6 minutes was heavy on his mind. You couldn't even eat lunch.

He had an idea that he knew would cheer you up. He quickly went to the kitchen and pulled out ingredients to make a sandwich, your favorite sandwich. Solo got to work packing up a small bag of the sandwiches and finding some chips in the cabinet before stuffing those in the bag too.

Solo put the bag in the fridge before going to his car and driving to the gas station around the corner. He got your favorite drink, a small pack of M&M's, and went back home to add to the bag full of food.

Now that that was done, he didn't have to do anything else, but wait for you to come home.


It was 4:37 when you pulled into the concrete driveway of your shared home. You got out of your car and sped walked to the door. You opened it and let out a sigh of exhaustion.

You threw your keys into a dishbowl on the entryway table and took off your heels. Your feet are aching from walking and standing on them for 10 hours.

"Baby, I'm home!"

You called out, taking off your coat and hanging it on the coat rack. Solo popped up from the bedroom with clothes in his hand. He wore shorts and a Bloodline shirt. He looked so comfy.

"Don't go anywhere. Change into this right now." Solo said, handing you a sundress he got you for your birthday the previous year. You gave him a questioning look, but complied, going to the bathroom and changing into the clothes given to you.

While in the bathroom Solo went to the fridge and put the bag in the car, so you wouldn't see it. You came out of the bathroom smiling. It's been a minute since you wore this dress.

"I'm ready! How do I look?" You asked Solo who stood frozen in front of you. You did a small spin and let out a giggle. "You look good. Real good." You laughed once more, pecking his lips. "Let's go to the car. I got a surprise for you."

You gasped, feeling excitement rush in your body. "A surprise? What is it? Is it a puppy? Or a massage? C'mon, tell me!" Solo chuckled at your child-like behavior. "It's a surprise for a reason, babe." You huffed out, letting him drive you to the surprise.


When the car pulled up to a flower field your eyes were blown wide, the stress completely gone from you. Solo smiled, seeing how fascinated you looked. "Solo, what are we doing here?" You asked him, but Solo left the car and grabbed the bag before coming to your side.

He opened the door for you and held his hand out. "Take my hand and follow me?" Without hesitation you took his hand and let him guide you through the field of fresh, pretty flowers.

Y'all ended up finding a small picnic bench in the middle of the flowers. You sat down and Solo opened the bag and began serving you food. "I got sandwiches, chips, a soda, and when we're done we can eat M&M's while watching the sunset go down."

Your mouth was agape, not knowing what to say. "Oh, Solo." You cried out, pulling him in for a hug. Solo hugged you back, smiling at your reaction. "This is perfect! This is really perfect. I've been thinking about eating and cuddling with you all day, but this is even better!"

You and Solo dug into your food, looking at the nature in front of you. Flying creatures flew above the flowers and there was a cool breeze.

It was quiet except for a few questions on the food, but you both enjoyed the company of each other without speaking.

As you both finished your chips, you crumbled the bag in your hands, and put it in the lunch bag.

Solo fetched the M&M's and got up, dragging you down the hill and deeper into the flowers. You found a spot with a blanket laid on the ground and you two took a seat.

Solo opened the M&M's and poured some in your hand before popping some in his mouth.

You two cuddled up together while watching the sun go down, nothing, but peace and love in the air.

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