Solo Sikoa-Nightmare

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Pairing: Solo Sikoa x Gn!Reader


Word Count: 764

A/N: Requested by @reignssupremacyy on Tumblr

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A/N: Requested by @reignssupremacyy on Tumblr


You ran through the woods, bare foot, tears streaming down your face, as you yelled for hell. "Help! Anyone, Please!" You saw light from a house down through the trees. You were so close. So close to freedom, until you were snatched by a strong grip. "You thought you could escape?" The man who was once your loving father teased you.

"After everything I've did for you, you think you can run away?" The anger in his voice scared you even more. He dropped you on the cold floor, pulling an axe from the ground. "You're nothing. You're useless to me, that's why you should've died instead of your Mom!" He raised the axe to kill you and just then, you woke up.

Breathing heavy and tears in your eyes were evident as you just woke up from that nightmare. Solo sat up, turning on his lamp, looking scared for you. "Hey, what's wrong?" You shook your head, not wanting to talk about it. Solo tried touching you, but you flinched away, smacking his hand.

His jaw tense as you fought him. All he wanted to do was help you, but you were being stubborn. "What's wrong? What happened?" You kept shaking your head ignoring his questions, making him mad. You never told him about your father, especially after your Mom died.

The way he treated you was terrible. He always blamed you for your mothers death because she died while giving birth to you.

Usually Solo wouldn't have such a short temper, but it was currently, 3:47 AM in the morning and he has to go to the gym in 2 hours and he has a match tonight and you woke him up without telling him the reason.

He huffed out, rubbing his forehead. "Look, there's obviously something wrong with you. You wake up from breathing heavily, crying, and sweating and you wonder why I'm concerned?" You just sat there looking at him, with a blank expression.

That pissed him off even more. "Just tell me!" You flinched at his yelling. "I-I said don't w-worry about i-it!" Your voice cracked at almost every word as you told him. "No, tell me what's wrong." He was really pushing this 'issue'. You didn't understand why he wanted to talk about it, even after you told him 'No'.

"Your being, so useless right now. If you don't wanna tell me, then just sit here and cry like a bitch." With that being said, he turned the lamp off and pulled the blanket back over him. You sat in the same spot, frozen in hurt. You bite your lip, hard.

You were biting it so hard that if you bite any harder, blood would draw from it. You couldn't hold back the sobs that came out your mouth as you thought back to what he said. 'Your useless!' and 'Cry like a bitch.' The tears fell as your mouth opened, letting out sobs.

You tried to cover your mouth, but it didn't work. You wiped your eyes furiously, trying to stop the tears and to shut up, so Solo won't yell at you again, but it didn't work. All you could think about was your father and it killed you. Solo on the other hand, laid in bed with his back turned, guilt filling his body as he hears you cry.

He didn't mean to make you cry, he was just frustrated. He sat up and turned the lamp on, looking at you. He took in your red eyes, and the snot coming out your nose. He sighed and walked to the bathroom getting tissue, before wiping your nose. Your breathing picked up as he touched your body, slightly, which made him feel even worse.

"Baby, I'm sorry, please." You shook, sniffing as you wiped your eyes once more. "I-it's done. It was m-my fault." You did a little chuckling, brushing it off, but Solo wasn't gonna end it this soon. "No, it's my fault. I yelled at you instead of being patient, knowing something happened." He held your hands in his, his thumb finger rubbing across your knuckles.

"I'm sorry, for being so rude and I understand if you don't wanna talk about it, just please forgive me." You forgave him the moment he apologized. You pushed your head in his chest, surprising him. His arms wrapped around your frame, holding you gently against his chest.

His hands scratched your scalp helping you go to sleep. "It's alright, go back to sleep. I'll be here when you have another nightmare."

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