Sasha Banks-Trashtalking The Boss

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Pairing: Sasha Banks x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Smut. Cursing, Face Sitting, Fingering, Names, (Whore & Slut), Mommy Kink, Oral, Praise, and Spanking Minors DNI 18+

Word Count: 2,013

Summary: Trash talking Sasha leads to her showing you who's boss.

A/N: I haven't seen much of Sasha on here so I decided to try to write for her. Hope you Enjoy!


Sasha Banks is one cocky woman.

She walks around, thinking she owns the place. She acts as if she's the one carrying the women's division. She likes to tell people that if it wasn't for her, there would be no us, referring to the women in the company.

People grew tired of hearing it so they began to believe her, but not you. You've had your history with Sasha and she doesn't change. She never does.

Yeah, she had great wrestling skills and a beautiful body, but her personality and attitude is what threw it all off.

You were walking to the makeup part of the halls and met with other women. Becky Lynch sat in her chair getting her hair done. "Hey there, Y/n." You gave a small wave and sat down, which a worker instantly started doing your hair. "So, is there any tea today?"

Your former worker Charlotte asked. "Someone said that Sasha is supposed to have a promo." Everyone let out a huff while you rolled your eyes. Clicking someone's heels could be heard which we all knew who it was. "Oh, boo who, what a shame!!" She fake pouted, doing crocodile tears.

Everyone looked away, avoiding her while you looked dead at her. "Sasha, if you're not here to get makeup, hair, or gear, please leave us all the hell alone!" The girls nodded their heads while Sasha looked offended. "Excuse me, do you know who-" You cut her off, by talking over her.

"Everyone knows who you are, Sasha! You don't have to repeat yourself." Just then, the hair stylist tapped your shoulder, signaling that you're finished. You got up, not sparing a glance, Sasha's way. "See ya girls, tonight." You walked down the hall, to your locker room to get ready for your match.

You're dressed in your gear, stretching in your locker room, for your match. A knock at the door came, which made you stop stretching and walking to it. You opened it and there stood, Bayley. You and Bayley had a match tonight, but you still were good friends. "What's up Bay?" She walked in and closed the door. "So for our match, I was thinking if I could do that one move-"

You two suggested things that you thought was good for the match. The Staff Members called you two up. First Bayley made her entrance. Boo's echoed around the arena as her music hit. You could hear her yelling at the fans that shut up.

Your music played and it was the opposite. Fans cheered and clapped as you came out smiling and waving. You even kissed a little girl's forehead before getting in the ring. Bayley rolled her eyes before the match started.

The match went as planned. Fans seemed to love it by the way they were cheering and chanting, 'This is Awesome!' The match ended with you hitting a superkick on Bayley for the win. Your music played as the ring announcer announced you as the winner.

Clapping could be heard, but not from the fans. You turned around and looked up the ramp to see Sasha. "Cut the music." The music worker stopped it. You listened to the fans cheering and booing for Sasha. "Congratulations Y/n, on your win."

You sat against the ropes waiting for her to say something. The ring announcer gave you a microphone. "What do you really want, Sasha?" You said, out of breath after finishing the match. "What do you mean? I'm just here to say congratulations on winning your match. Can't a friend say kind words?"

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