Seth Rollins-Mistake -P2-

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Pairing: Seth Rollins x Fem!Reader

Warning: None.

Word Count: 2,061

Summary: You return after a year, with a new boyfriend then you see Seth. What happens next?

A/N: Sorry to leave you on a little cliffhanger! I'll make a Part 3 in a couple of days! Hope You Enjoy!


A year.

It's been a year since you stepped through a WWE arena. You missed the wrestling life, so why not give it a try again? You've been training yourself for the day you come back and now you have a feeling all the hard work is gonna pay off.

The only thing that you're not looking forward to is your ex. Even though it was a year ago, he hurt you badly. He tossed you to the side like you were nothing, but luckily, you found a new man.

You may be wondering who you're dating, right?
Well, it's the one and only Finn Balor. Finn has liked you since you debuted, but never had the courage to talk to you. When he did it was too late because you already started dating Seth. On the night talk broke up he was happy, mad, and worried.

Happy because he could have a chance with you, mad because he wanted to beat Seth's ass for hurting you, and worried because he knew that Seth met a lot  to you so, with y'all breaking up like that, he knew you wouldn't want to talk to anyone, but before you left that night he confessed about how he liked you and how he would treat you better than Seth.

The exact words he said was, 'I'll wait for you.' and that he did. He waited 6 months for you to come around and you did. Ever since then, you've two been a happy couple. Walking through the arena, you breathed in the air you haven't smelt in what seems like years.

Nobody knew that you and Finn were dating except your families and tonight, you plan on making it known. The plan was for you to fight Lacey Evans. Then, Baron Corbin comes out and threatens you. Finn's music hits and after having a battle, he announces that y'all are dating.

Pretty corny, but who cares? All you care about is wrestling and your man. You don't remember feeling this way for anyone before Finn, so that says something. "Are you ready to go?" Finn asked, hugging you from behind. "Yeah, I can't wait for tonight!" He smiled, seeing how happy you were. "Imma go visit an old friend, do you mind?" He shook his head no, before ushering you to go.

You walked down the unfamiliar halls, trying to find the name. Once you saw it you knocked. Hearing shuffling and moving around the door opened. It was Dean with a brownie in his mouth. You held your fingers to your mouth in a 'Shhh' motion, before stepping. You could see Roman bent over, looking for something in his bag.

You tiptoed over before jumping on his back. "What the hell? Dean!" His voice was still the same. He twisted and turned, trying to get whoever was on his back off. He twisted a little too hard, causing you to fly off his back, on the couch.

Roman turned around and his eyes almost bugged out his head. "Ow! You're still as strong as I remember." You said, rubbing your head while looking up at him. "Y/N!" He picked you up off the floor and suffocated you in a hug. "Hey Rome." He hugged you like he wasn't gonna let go. A jealous Dean came over. "My turn, my turn!"

He hugged the both of you, really making you not be able to breathe. "Alright, guys, let me go." They all released you as you let out a breath. "I missed you guys." Roman just still couldn't believe that you were here. "We missed you too, but what are you doing here?" You wanted to surprise them, but you know you can't keep a secret from Dean.

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