Dominik Mysterio-The Only One

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Pairing: Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Smut. Aftercare, Cursing, Degradation, Fingering, Mami Kink, Oral, (Reader Receiving.) Praise, Pulling Out, Slight Rhea x Reader, and Unprotected Sex. Minors DNI 18+

Word Count: 2,960

Summary: After an argument with Dominik about how touchy Rhea is, he invites her over to prove to you that even if Dominik is naked that she doesn't want him.

A/N: Okay, this is my first time writing something like this and I feel like it could be better, but I kinda enjoyed it. Let me know if you did too! Hope You Enjoy!


"Y/n, baby, come back!" Dominik called out to you, watching as you stormed to your car.

Dominik just got done accompanying Finn and Damian for their match against Kevin and Sami, but after almost losing, Rhea and him had to cheat for the two to win which led to a small celebration in the ring with Rhea touching all of Dominik.

As soon as you saw that you felt nothing, but anger and betrayal as you left to the parking lot and when Dominik heard you were heading there, he ran after you.

"Leave me alone Dominik and go back to Rhea!" You yelled, not looking back. You went to unlock your car door, but Dominik was faster, pinning you against the car.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?" He asked, sounding confused.

Right before the match you two were in the catering, eating some sweets and talking about what movie y'all were gonna watch after the show, but now look at what's happening.

"Me? What's wrong with me? No, what's wrong with you?! You're letting Rhea touch all over you like your girlfriend isn't backstage watching!" Oh, so that's what it is. Dominik let out a sigh, closing his eyes.

This isn't the first time you and Dominik have had a conversation about him and Rhea.

It's not Rhea that you hate, you hate how Dominik allows her to touch on him, kiss him, squeeze him between her thighs, while you're just sitting at home or backstage watching.

"Look, she got a little excited, it's nothing like that." You let out a huff, rolling your eyes. "Yeah, sure 'it's not like that,' but by next week she'll be riding you inside the ring like it's Edge and Lita's live sex celebration." Now it was Dominik's turn to roll his eyes.

You're always so dramatic when it comes to Rhea. "Baby, there's no need to be jealous. I love you and only you. Rhea's just my on-screen lover and when I'm not on screen, I'm yours, and guess what? I'm off screen right now, so that means I'm yours." You avoided his eyes, knowing he was right.

Like said earlier, y'all have had so many talks about this. "I know, I just don't like the way she looks at you." Dominik ignored your words, pulling you in for a soft kiss.

You melted into his body, almost forgetting about everything. This is your way of making up. You pulled back from him, silence taking over the parking lot.

"Let's go back to the hotel room, yeah? I really wanna watch that Pearl movie." A smile came to your face at his words.

You got your Dominik back, and with that, y'all went to the hotel down the street and watched the movie Dominik begged for.

Little did you know, Dominik gave a call to a certain someone and you would come to find out who in the next couple of days.


It was Saturday which meant lazy day.

Saturday usually meant you and Dominik sitting around the hotel or house, watching movies, cooking food, or even going to the small cafe up the street, but today Dominik was different.

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