Finn Balor-Start A Family With You

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Pairing: Finn Balor x Wife!Reader

Warnings: Smut. Baby Making, Fluff, Oral, (Reader Receiving), Praise, Soft Sex, and Unprotected Sex. Minors DNI 18+

Word Count: 2,331

Summary: After babysitting Becky and Seth's baby, it makes you and Finn realize you're ready for that life.

A/N: Jenna_0rtega  asked me for a Finn fluff, so this is kinda a request. Hope You Enjoy!


When you and Finn got the call from your friend Becky asking to watch their daughter Roux, you instantly said yes.

You and Finn are so close with the two of them, there was no way you could say no. The knock at the door made you get up, opening the door to see Becky and Seth dressed beautifully with Roux on Becky's hip.

"Hey guys!" You stepped aside, letting them come in. Finn greeted them, taking Roux in his arms. "Thank you so much for doing this. We can take her if y'all don't-" You were quick to shut Becky up. "Nope, stop talking. We are going to watch Roux and y'all are gonna go out and have a good time together."

Seth smiled, nodding his head. "I have to agree with her babe." Becky rolled her eyes at her husband. "Okay, fine. I packed some juice and snacks in her bag, let her down for a nap for exactly 30 minutes, then wake her up and-"

You playfully leaned over and covered her mouth. "Becky I swear if you don't stop talking I'll slap you. Go with Seth, have a good time, and don't be back until after 9!" Becky chuckled. "Okay Mom." They waved goodbye, leaving to the car before pulling out the driveway.

You closed the door, turning back to Finn. You smiled seeing Roux in his arms, playing with the collar of his shirt. "Okay, let's do this." You grabbed the bag and began putting the stuff up. Y'all played with Roux, stringing over 5 toys out the living room.

Roux loved you both, giggling at you and Finn. You put on a show, attempting to teach Roux her ABC's. She sang the song, you and Finn clapping every time she said the letters right.

Every time you weren't watching Finn would look at you with so much love and adoration, smiling wide and you and Roux played together. He helped when needed, but for the most part he watched.

You wanted to do this mostly by yourself because you agreed to this. You basically agreed and then told Finn last minute. He wasn't gonna deny having Roux over, but he would've never thought you would be the one to deal with kids.

It was 9:27 and that was time for you to feed Roux before putting her down for a small nap before her parents got back. So, you went to the kitchen and pulled out some crackers and juice.

She ate like a big girl, with you giving her praises. "Oh, pick up the crumbs. They can attract many little insects and bugs!" You said, tickling her. Finn smiled, seeing how well you were with her.

You both watched a show as she ate, her head drooping against your shoulder. You noticed and quickly scooped her up, bringing her to your bedroom. You gently placed her under the covers, tucking her in.

You stood there for a second, looking at her sleep so peacefully. You jumped at the sound of a small laugh, turning around quickly. Finn stood there, looking at you both.

You silently left the room, meeting up with him in the living room. "God she was so good today. I thought this would be hard!" You exclaimed, cleaning up a little. You picked up the plates, juice cup and brought it to the kitchen.

Finn stopped you, taking the stuff from your hands. "Hey, you did a lot today, go sit down and relax." You let him take the stuff away with a huff. "Dang, I can't even clean the house! I feel like I'm pregnant and can't do anything." You playfully joked, but the look Finn gave you was different from any other time.

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