Damian Priest-We're Enough

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Pairing: Damian Priest x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,625

Request/Summary: "Hey, I don't know if you write about Damian Priest, but can you write about heel!reader qualifying for money in the bank and he's waiting for her and have a moment and vice versa after losing against Seth and they comfort each other."

A/N: This was requested by Anonymous on Tumblr. Hope You Enjoy!


Tonight was a special night for you and Damian. You have a match for a spot in Money in the Bank while Damian has a title match against Seth 'Freakin'' Rollins.

It's important to you because after all the years in WWE you haven't won a title, so winning this would get you one step closer, but you would obviously go after Asuka instead of your former Judgment Day member, Rhea.

Damian was also happy about his match considering WWE  hasn't pushed him since the whole Judgment Day team, but tonight was the night you both prove your worth to the team and WWE universe.

You were lacing your boots up when a knock came at the door. "Babe, you done?" You heard Damian asked. "Come in!" The door opened revealing Damian and the rest of the members.

"Woah, babe, you look good." Damian complimented you, coming over and wrapping an arm around you. "Thank you, baby." He kissed your cheek, sitting on the couch next to Finn and Dominik. "Yeah, like really good. I might have to steal you for myself."

Rhea winked at you, earning a glare from Damian. "Alright Rhea, get off my girl, she's mine." You chuckled at their bickering, standing up and checking up your gear. "I'm done! How do I look?" You gave a small twirl while smiling.

"You look great and I'm sure you're gonna do great tonight." Finn added. "I hope so." You said picking at your nails. The group could tell you were getting nervous. "Hey, you're gonna do great. You're gonna win the briefcase and get Asuka's title, so both of our girls will have gold, and so I will too."

You smiled at Damian's small pep talk, boosting your mood. "Yeah, you're right. And I'm gonna win it for you." You pecked his lips, a blushing forming on your cheeks. "And I'll win the title for you." He returned the kiss, a grumble coming from Dominik's mouth.

"Okay lovebirds, let each other go and let Y/n win that spot!" You gave them one last smile before going to the gorilla. You were about to face Trish Stratus and were sure to win. Not to be rude, but even though Trish is a legend, she isn't as good as she used to be.

Your music played, fans booing and cheering for you. You put on your best heel persona and made your entrance. As you did a mini warm up in the ring, Trish's music played, with her coming out in her new gear. She was now like you - a heel wearing purple and wanting a spot in this special event.

When she entered the ring you both walked up on each other, chest to chest. "You really think you're gonna win this?" Trish asked with a questioning look.

"I don't think I'm gonna win, I know I am, and when you're on the ground in pain like an old lady, watching me celebrate, remember the trash you were talking." 

Trish sarcastically laughed, throwing her head back. "Awe, does little Y/n have some balls? Well if I were you, I would watch out 'cause you never know what this 'old lady' can do." You both locked up aggressively, letting the match play out.


You had it. You thought you had it when you hit your finisher and went for the pin.

"1 2-"

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