Liv Morgan-Teach Me How To Kiss

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Pairing: Liv Morgan x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,261

Summary: Liv teaches you how to kiss for a date, but when you don't need it, you put that knowledge to use on Liv instead.

A/N: Sorry for slow uploads, just not feeling any motivation recently. Hope You Enjoy!


1 week ago

You walked down the halls, greeting everyone. "Hello, ladies." You announced to the group of girls while sitting down. They all greeted you and began talking about tonight's show.

"Oh guys, Liv's up!" Everyone's attention turned to the screen, seeing Liv come out in her new gear. "Dang, she's so pretty." You said under your breath, hoping not one heard, but unknown to you, Rhea did.

You watched as she did her signature wink to the camera while sitting on the ropes before entering the ring. Tonight she was fighting Ronda Rousey and if there's one thing about Ronda, it's that she doesn't play nice. The match started and Liv was getting beat.

It didn't help that Shayna was by her side, gassing her up, making her be even more aggressive. Although Liv was getting thrown like a rag doll, she was putting up a good fight. It was all going good until Ronda started distracting the ref.

You've seen this too many times from the two, to know what was gonna happen next. You quickly got out of your chair, running to the ring. Fans cheered as you fought off Shayna, making Ronda distracted. "Hey, stop! Leave her alone!" Ronda yelled at you, about to get out the ring, but Liv took the opportunity to roll her up in a pin.

"1 2 3"


The bell rang indicating the winner. Liv quickly scurried out the ring, throwing herself in your arms. You looked at her with so much adoration, that you almost forgot you were on TV.

You two went backstage and met up with all the girls. "You did good out there, Liv!" Raquel praised, patting her shoulder. "Awe, don't give me all the credit! If it wasn't for this girl right here, I would've been in serious trouble." She said, playfully grabbing your cheek.

A blush formed on your cheeks as you slightly pushed her away, not wanting to embarrass yourself. "Well, imma go take a shower. I'll be back out." Liv left, going back to her locker room.

Oh how you wish you could go shower with-

"Y/n?" Your attention snapped on Alexa. "Huh?" Alexa chuckled, shaking her head. "I asked if you wanted to help me out with my make up before my match." You nodded your head smiling. "Yeah of course!"

You were now doing Alexa's makeup and it was a comfortable silence until Rhea spoke up. "Hey Y/n, quick question." You hummed in response. "Do you wanna go on a date with me?" You stopped blending the blush on Alexa's face, freezing up. Rhea wanting to date you? You've never seen any signs.

Was she for real? So many questions going through your mind, but at the same time, all you could think of was Liv.  Even though y'all aren't together, you feel like you're betraying her. You just then realized that you've been silent for too long.

"Uh, sure. I'd like that." Girls started cheering and clapping, congratulating you on your date. You fake smiled, distracting yourself with Alexa, not seeing Liv at the entrance. She shortly turned around, packed her bags, and left back to the hotel.


That was a week ago and now you're getting ready. Hair done, new dress, freshly shaven, you've done everything you could think of, considering you haven't been on a date in god knows how long.

A knock at the door made you look up, seeing Liv standing there with a smile. "Howdy there!" You chuckled at her fake accent. "Well, don't you look beautiful?" You tried hiding your face, knowing you probably looked like a tomato.

You looked through your lipstick collection, eyes squinting at your options. "Liv, should I got for a red lip, or just gloss?" Liv shrugged her shoulders, smirking. "Anything works as long as you get to give Rhea a big fat kiss!"

She began giggling like a schoolgirl, but soon stopped when she saw your face. Then it all hit her like a ton of bricks. "Wait-" You stood there in an awkward position, not knowing what to say.

"You've never kissed anyone?" You sighed, plopping down on the couch next to her. "No, I haven't. I get it, it's embarrassing, but-" Liv stopped you as soon as those words came out your mouth. "Woah, if it's anything it's not embarrassing."

You brushed her off, waving your hand. "It's alright. I never had anyone to do it with, so I never learned. No biggie." You picked at the hangnail on your middle finger, avoiding eye contact.

It was quiet for a moment, but Liv said something you thought she never would. "Do you want me to teach you?" You looked up at her with a shocked expression. "What?" Now, Liv looked at the ground.

"Y'know, kiss? I mean- you don't have to if you don't want to, I was just suggesting, y'know because you-" You stopped her, with a laugh. "Liv calm down, you're rambling." She let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of her neck.

"You want me to teach you?" You thought about it for a moment. If you kiss Liv, you'll be messing up your date with Rhea, but then you'll finally get to kiss your crush. "Yeah."

The word slipped from your mouth before you could catch it. "Okay, uh, get comfy real quick." You both shifted on the couch, moving so you're facing each other.

"So first things first, you wanna make sure your partner is comfortable and that you have consent." You nodded, silently telling her to continue. "So when you lean in for the kiss, try to move your head in a different direction. It helps avoid forehead bumping, or teeth clashing."

You took note as she spoke. "Make sure your lips aren't dry and all you do is keep your lips apart enough to allow the kiss to be soft and deep, and keep your mouth relaxed." You licked your lips slightly, keeping your mouth apart, like she said.

"And while you're kissing them, put your hand somewhere. Not their ass, but on their hip or cheek, so they-" Before Liv could finish her sentence, you pulled her in a kiss, head tilting to the side, your hands going to her cheek, slowly stroking it.

Liv froze, not knowing what to do, but soon fell into the kiss, once realizing what was happening. Her hands came around your waist, pulling you closer to her. You slowly pulled back, smiling. "Like that?" She hazily nodded, too lost for words. The moment was broken apart when your phone rang loud.

It was Rhea. You almost forgot about the date. "Hey, Rhea, what's up?" Rhea's sad tone came out. "Yeah, I'm sorry, but I just wanted to let you know that we're gonna have to cancel the date because I forgot about a family thing."

You didn't even feel a bit sad at all, in fact, happy. "Awe it's okay, hope you're doing okay." Liv didn't try to hide the huge smile on her face, knowing that she could finally have you to herself. "Hey, at least you can hang out with Liv."

You made eye contact with Liv. "Yeah, I'll see you next Friday." You hung up, staring at Liv. "Liv?" She hummed. "Can you teach me how to kiss, but with tongue?" Liv instantly pulled you in for a kiss, almost shoving her whole tongue down your throat.

Rhea sat outside in bushes in your backyard with binoculars, smiling as she watched y'all kiss.

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