Dean Ambrose-No More Drinking

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Pairing: Dean Ambrose x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,267

Summary: Dean struggles to take care of you while your drunk.

A/N: This isn't as fluffy as I wanted it to be, but I think it's okay. Hope You Enjoy!


Dean was fast asleep in bed, peace and quiet taking over the room. It was soon interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing.

Dean groaned, looking at the clock that said 11:47. He rolled over, snatching his phone off the nightstand before answering the call. "Hello?" His groggy voice croaked out.

On the other line, there was yelling and giggling. "Dean, you need to come get your girl. She's sooo wasted right now." Dean sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Y/n? Is she okay?" Just as he asked the question he heard your voice in the background. "I-I'm okay, don't c-call him!" Dean sighed, grabbing his jeans off the near-by couch. "I'll be there in 10." He hung up the phone, rushing to get his keys, and drove to the bar you were located in.

It was a Monday night and after the Raw show, you and some girls decided to go out for some drinks to celebrate a win for one of your friends winning the divas title.

At first, you denied, wanting to go home with Dean and watch some movies, but after a little bit of convincing from Dean himself, you went. You ended up having a lot of fun, and had one too many drinks, and that's how you ended up drunk.

Dean pulled up to the bar, the sound of music blaring loud through the building. Dean stepped out the car and instantly, the girls and you came out of the bar. "Deany!" Dean turned at the sound of your voice calling for him.

You walked erratically, almost tripping over your own feet. As you took another step forward, you tripped on air, almost landing face first on concrete, but Dean was quick to grab you.

The girls behind you all made  'ooo' noises, teasing you as you fell into his arms. "You smell really good." Dean chuckled at your compliment, picking you up, and throwing you over his shoulder.

"H-hey, put me down!" You protested, kicking your legs, and squirming in his hold, but it did nothing as his grip on you was tight. "So you can fall and break your teeth? I think not." Dean carried you to the car, buckling you up and closing the door.

He then turned to your friends, putting his hands in his pocket. "Thanks for calling me about her." Your friend, Paige, brushed it off. "Oh it's no problem, she's a lightweight." She winked, walking back in the bar with the others.

Dean took a deep breath and got in the car, driving you two home.

All car ride you were asking questions.

"If I was a worm, would you still love me?" You asked curiously. Dean looked your way, confused. "What?" You repeated your question. "Yeah, I would love you no matter what you are."

It was silent for a good minute.

"What are trees made out of?"

"I don't know? What kind of question is that?"

You then began humming to a song, making Dean feel like he was going crazy. You were constantly talking, humming, and even falling asleep until he hit a bump in the road, causing you to yell at him.

When you finally made it home you tried opening the car door, but it was locked. "Why is my door locked?" You slurred, slowly getting frustrated as you pulled at the door handle. "Stop it, you're gonna break my handle! It's on child lock."

Dean exited his side of the car and went to you, helping you out. He held your hand, guiding you into the house. You instantly made a b-line for the living room couch, belly flipping on it with a huff.

Dean smiled at your tired reaction. "Baby, let me take your shoes off." You groaned as Dean made his way over to you, gently taking your shoes off, and putting them next to the door.

"Are you hungry?" You sleepily nodded your head, closing your eyes. "Alright, I'm gonna go get you some food. Stay awake for me." You muttered something under your breath as Dean went to the kitchen to get some noodles.

Dean had instant noodles in a cup, putting some water in them and popping it in the microwave. Dean yawned, watching the cup spin and before he knew it the microwave was beeping.

He took the noodles out and stirred them with a fork while walking over to you. "Baby, I got some food." Dean sighed, seeing you passed out on the couch as if he didn't just tell you not to go to sleep.


You jumped up, eyes wide. "You need to eat before you go to sleep." You whined, pushing him away. Dean's eyes darkened. "I won't say it again. Eat this food." You finally sat up, taking the noodles and slowly shoving them in your mouth.

You soon finished your noodles, throwing the cup on the coffee table and attempting to go back to sleep, but Dean was quick to stop you. "Nope you can go to bed yet. You gotta shower." He picked up and carried you to the bathroom, sitting you on the toilet stool, and turned on the shower.

He waited until the water got warm and began stripping you down. "Gotta wash you up and then you can go to sleep." Dean also stripped down from his clothes, and helped you in the shower.

You moaned at the feeling of the hot water hitting your body. "Let me wash you and we'll be out in 15." Dean did his word, gently, but quickly washing you before washing himself.

You were well behaved, enjoying the feeling of his soft hands dancing around your body. When he was done, he turned the water off, helped you get out, and started drying you both off.

He focused completely on you, making sure that you were situated before dealing with himself. Once he was done with you, he put you to bed, watching as you fell asleep.

Dean felt a ton of weight lift off his shoulder. He looked at the clock and saw it said. 2:36. Everything took up most of his day. He was supposed to sleep, but you ruined it, and he isn't mad about it. He's done this way too many times when he was drunk.

Dean's never taken care of a drunk person before. Usually he's the one who gets drunk and now he thinks it's best if it stays like that because he doesn't know how you do it.

Dean got in bed beside you, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. Now that he's been up for almost 3 hours taking care of you, he's not really tired anymore.

He watched TV until the sun came up.


The sun now shines bright in the room as you wake up to see Dean sitting up in bed, watching TV. "Never again." Dean said, staring at you.

You looked at him, confusion taking over your face. "Never again what?" // "I'm never taking care of you again when you're drunk. That was hell." You giggled at him, scooting closer to him. "I wasn't that bad."

Dean looked at you like you were crazy. "No more drinking for you, please. Let's make a deal, you're not allowed to drink after shows without me." You smiled at him, agreeing. "Okay, buddy. If I really was that bad, I won't drink without you ever again."

Dean let out a sigh of relief, closing his eyes, and finally falling into the peaceful slumber that was taken away from him hours ago.

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