Solo Sikoa-Fun Night

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Pairing: Solo Sikoa x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,258

Request/Summary:  "CAN U PLEASE WRITE SOME SOLO SIKOA FLUFF  bc your so good at it i love your writing ! maybe it can be aboutt  reader comes hom drunk and solo just helps reader out with showering eating and its just all together adorable ?"

A/N: This was requested by someone on Tumblr. Also, sorry that this isn't super fluffy and that it's long. Hope You Enjoy!


You just got the opportunity to be a number one contender for the women's title.

You walked backstage, instantly being met with praises from your fellow co workers. "Hey, we should all go out for drinks as a celebration!" You thought about it for a moment. "Y'know what? Sure!" The girls cheered and parted ways to get ready.

You went to the Bloodline's locker room to get your clothes. "Y/n, good job!" You smiled even more at the praises of your teammates. "I'm going to the bar with a few girls, does anyone want to come?"

Everyone politely declined. "Alright, I'll see y'all tomorrow." You grabbed a pair of clothes and walked out to the girls locker room.

You were walking to the parking lot, until someone stopped you. "Y/n." Solo's deep voice made you turn around. "Yeah, babe?" He looked at you up and down, admiring your outfit. "You gonna be okay tonight without anyone coming with you?"

You nodded your head, throwing him a smile. "Yeah, I'll be alright, why'd you ask?" He looked around, thinking for a second. "Because you don't usually go out to public places alone, so I wanted to make sure that you were comfortable."

You loved how much of a caring and concerned boyfriend he was over your safety. "I'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow." You gave him a kiss on his cheek and got your car with a blush on your face.


You made it to the bar and everyone was already waiting for you. "Sorry guys, me and Solo were having a little talk." Becky looked at you, raising her eyebrows up and down. "You and Solo, talking?" You shook your head, taking a sip of a drink Charlotte got you.

"Not like that you weirdos! He just wanted to make sure I was gonna be okay." Beside you, Liv bumped shoulders sending a wink. You rolled your eyes at everyone's saying. "So what do you plan on doing after you win the title, Y/n?"

Bayley asked, smiling. "Well, IF I win it, I'll try to hold it as long as I can for the legacy of The Bloodline." There was a look of disapproval on Sonya's face. "Uh, not to ruin your moment, but don't you think you should break away from the team?"

All attention snapped on Sonya. "What do you mean?" Sonya shrugged her shoulders, playing with the straw in her drink. "I don't know, I just think you should go solo or with Sami." Your brows scrunched down in slight anger. "Are you telling me to leave my group?"

Sonya's eyes grew wider at your tone. "N-no, I'm- y'know what, never mind let's enjoy our drinks." She let out an awkward laugh, downing her drink. "I need something stronger." You said, getting up and going to the bar. The girls stayed behind, letting you cool down for a second.

You ordered your drink and watched everyone having a good time. You should be the one, not sitting at the bar after a small argument. You thanked the bartender, taking a sip of your drink.

Just then, a waitress came up with plaster of drinks. "Someone call for a celebration?!" Everyone started cheering, taking drinks. The drinks were so good that you didn't know how many you were drinking.

The intro of your favorite song started playing and you looked at Liv. "Let's dance!" Liv dragged you to the dance floor, grinding and groping you. Somehow you were pulled into the middle, all eyes on you both. "Shots!" Some random lady called out, drinks being poured in cups.

You also did some karaoke. It might've been a little sloppy, but people still cheered you on. You were having the time of your life, but then your friends start leaving. "Liv, I think I'm gonna go!"

You yelled over the music. "Alright, babe. I'm gonna stay with Rhea. Enjoy your night!" She gave a small kiss to your cheek and out you went. Your vision was slightly blurry and you stumbled as you walked.

You might be tipsy or slightly drunk, but you know better than to drive, so you pulled your phone out and called Solo. All it took was 2 rings and he picked up. "Y/n? Are you okay?"

You giggled, hearing his worried voice. "Y-yeah, could you- you come pick me up?" Your random stuttering and the way you slurred your words made him already know what happened.

"Y/n, are you drunk?" You hummed for a second. "No! I mean, I don't think I am?" Solo was already out the hotel lobby, in his car. "Share me your address."

You let out a confused sound, not knowing what he was talking about. "I can do that? How?" Solo huffed, running through how to share your location and was there within 10 minutes.

"Oh god." He mumbled, seeing you rock back and forth while looking up in the sky. "Y/n!" You looked at Solo with a smile. "Come on, let's go home." He tried pulling you to his car, but you began fighting back.

"Hey! Stop it! Leave me alone or else I'll call my boyfriend!" Solo couldn't help, but chuckle at your words. "I'm sure he'll know." He successfully got you in the car. While driving you home, he answered weird questions that you had such as;

'Why are there bright dots in the sky?' And 'What if people could teleport?'

He carried you in the hotel lobby, elevator, and even to the room, without a single protest coming from you. He gently set you down to the couch and began removing your shoes. "No!" You kicked him away, earning a hiss from him.

"Do I have to tell my boyfriend that you tried kidnapping me, and that you're trying to undress me? I will NOT let that happen!" Solo laughed, putting his face in his hands. You ended up taking your shoes off.

He guided you to the bathroom and turned the water on. "Take the your clothes off and get in." He left out, getting a microwavable Mac & Cheese cup and some left over chicken ready for you to eat. Solo came back, sitting on the ground and put your favorite soap on the loofah.

He gently scrubbed your body, surprised that you sat still. Next squirted some shampoo in his hand and gave you a scalp massage. You sat back, finally feeling relaxed as his nails gently scratched at a particular part.

It was cut short when the water came back on, rinsing the shampoo out. He grabbed a towel, holding it out for you when you jumped in his arms. He dried you off and put you over his shoulder as he dropped you on the bed.

"Change and I'll get you some food." He went back to the kitchen, thinking you would grab some of your clothes, but of course when he saw you, you were wearing one of his shirts and a pair of panties.

He let you get situated on the bed before handing you the cup. "Eat at least 6 bites and then you can go to sleep." As soon as he said that, he took notice of how droopy your eyes looked.

He went to change into his own pajamas, but when he came back, you were already asleep. He took the cup and placed it on the nightstand before cuddling you to his chest.

He can't wait to tell you all about the fun night you had.

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