Uso's-Who's Better?

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Pairing: Uso's x Fem!Reader

Warning: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,043

Requested by anonymous on Tumblr: "Y/N is in a poly relationship with the twins and sometimes they wonder who is her favorite. Like they start doing a competition and stuff, lol."

A/N: In my opinion this was hard because I've never wrote a poly relationship before, but here's my try! Hope You Enjoy!


The boys were going crazy. You don't know what was wrong with them, but ever since you two came home after a meet and greet with fans, they've been...competing?

They both rushed to the car door, scrambling to open it. Jey reached his hand out."Grab my hand, babe." Jimmy pushed him to the side almost, making Jey fall over.

"No, take mine." You scoffed, shaking your head and rolling your eyes, walking past the two. You walked up the driveway with your keys in hand until Jimmy was pushed into you making you drop them. "Boys?!" Jey took the distraction and grabbed the keys off the floor unlocking the door.

They stood, side by side smiling at you. "Ladies first." They said in sync waiting for you. You slowly walked through the door, wondering what was wrong with them. You placed your purse on the couch and went to the kitchen, turning on the water. You were about to cook some Steak and Potatoes for the boy's, but once again, you were stopped by Jimmy.

"Baby, how about you go upstairs and relax. I ran you a bath and I'll give you a massage!" You looked at him genuinely surprised. "Really?" You couldn't believe Jimmy would set a bath for you, hell, you can barely get him to take a bath alone without having you with him. "Yes, baby. It's for you." You smiled and dropped the washcloth and walked upstairs.

You could hear movement down in the kitchen and living room, following mumbling from the two boys, probably arguing. You entered the bathroom and saw rose petals on the floor, candles lit on the counter, and the smell of your favorite dove soap. You smiled in, aw, as you began stripping off your clothes.

You've had a long hard day and you wanted nothing more than to eat, wash, and cuddle up with your favorite boys.

Loud footsteps were heard as the two boys raced up the steps to get to the room. The bathroom door busted open, making you jump, as if you were just relaxing. "Baby, do you need anything? Drinks, snacks?" You looked at Jimmy and shook your head. "No, I'm fine."

Jey smiled, pulling out a warm towel. "Heated towel for my love." You reached your hand over and felt it. It was nice and hot, but by the time you get out, it will be warm. "Thank you, Jey." Jey walked over to you and crouched down, with his cheek near your face.

You kissed him, making a laugh come from his mouth while he looked at Jimmy. "Just get better, bro." Jimmy cursed under his breath and left the room. You didn't know what was happening and why they were acting like how they were, but you weren't about to question it.
After your bath you dressed up in panties and a shirt. To be specific, Jimmy's shirt because you couldn't find one of Jey's. You walked downstairs to the smell of Steak and Potatoes. You watched as Jimmy rushed to finish cooking while Jey quickly set the table.

"Aw, you guys! You didn't have too!" The boys turned and looked at you. Jimmy smirked at the outfit choice while Jey rolled his eyes. "Why are you wearing that?" He pointed at your shirt. You looked down and shrugged your shoulders, walking to your chair. "I couldn't find your shirt so I went for the first I saw and it so happened to be Jimmy's." Jimmy began playing with the food for everyone and brought it out.

He placed your plate first and gave himself and Jey his. "Mmm, this looks so good, Jimmy!" Jimmy eyed Jey at the fact you praised him. Now they are both even. You two ate dinner in somewhat peace as every time you asked a question the boy's were fast to try and answer.

You walked over to Jimmy as he washed the dishes. "Thank you for the diner, babe." You placed a kiss on his cheek, not missing the way Jimmy and Jey looked at each other.

You soon found all three of you on the bed cuddling up, watching House of Wax. Jimmy tried cuddling up into you, but Jey pushed him back. It was like a tug of war battle and you were the rope. You really had it when Jey pulled you into his lap, knocking over the bowl of popcorn and your drink. "Boys!"

Your voice echoed around the living room as the twins froze. They saw the mess they made and how mad you looked. "Look, I don't know what's wrong with you, but Imma need you two to act right!" They sat there, getting scolded like a little kid when getting a bad report card. "So one of you is gonna tell me, why are you acting like this?"

Jimmy and Jey looked at each other before one spilled the truth. "We saw this tweet online, saying you like Jimmy better than me, so we wanted to see who you liked by doing things you love the most." The anger left your body as you saw how sad they looked.

They were competing for your love all because of a stupid tweet fans made. You let out a sigh and pulled them close to you. "Boys, I love you both equally. It doesn't matter if Jey wants to be an asshole to Sami or if Jimmy doesn't want to take a shower. I. Love. You. Both." You placed a kiss on each one of their heads while saying the last part. "Why else would I agree to date you two?"

Jimmy and Jey thought about it and believed you. Why would you go on your way to date twins? "You're right. We're sorry for doubting your love for us. We promise we won't let social media get to us like this again."

You smiled, and ran a hand through their hair, until you saw the mess. "Well, I was thinking you two can have a competition to see who can clean this up." The boys growled under their breath.

"Winner gets to fuck my ass?" That was a great reward. They instantly rushed to get a trash can and paper towels.

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