Solo Sikoa-Movie Night

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Pairing: Solo Sikoa x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,258

Summary: You get scared from watching a movie and Solo is there to comfort you.

A/N: Fluffy Solo! Hope You Enjoy!


Movie night.

A night where you and your fellow Bloodline members watched a movie of the person's choice and tonight was Sami's.

You were extremely excited due to the fact the newest John Wick movie came out, and knowing him, he would probably choose it.

You took the bag of popcorn out of the microwave and poured it in a bowl. "Y/n, hurry up!" You rolled your eyes at how impatient they were being. "Calm down, I'm coming." You rushed out with a smile on your face and sat down next to Solo.

He was the most calm out of everyone and that's what made you start to like him. "What we watching,Uce?" Jimmy questioned. Sami had a big smile on his face as he chose the movie. "It!" The smile on your face dropped quickly, as he said that. You stared at the screen with the clown on it, making a chill run down your spine.

You've never liked clowns ever since you were a kid, especially after your Dad played a prank on you, which consisted of him sneaking through your window at night dressed up as a clown. "Uh, what?" Everyone looked at you, at your question. "It? Y'know what that is?" Sami asked, sounding happy.

"Y-yeah, but I thought you would choose John Wick." Sami shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "Nah, I wanna try something different for once." You stayed quiet, as the movie started up.


Throughout the movie, every time you saw the clown, you would flinch. You tried to not make it noticeable, like when the music started to increase you would grab some popcorn or pick up your phone and check random things, but at one point you weren't fast enough.

A jump scare came on the screen, making you jump so hard, everyone noticed and Sami busted out laughing. "Oh my Y/n, did that scare you?" The tone in his voice was sort of a mockery and you did not like it one bit. "Yeah, just a little. Let's just continue the movie."

You nervously responded, trying to change the subject. "Nah, you got so scared, it was pathetic!" You felt tears form in your eyes at that one word. 'Pathetic.' If you haven't heard that word in your life more than 100 times, it's not you.

You sniffled, taking a deep breath before standing up. "I-I'm gonna go to b-bed, I'll see you guys t-tomorrow." You didn't waste any time rushing to your room, letting a few tears fall. As soon as you reached your room, sobs escaped your mouth.

You were on the floor, shaking in pain. You didn't know why you kept watching the movie, but you wouldn't expect Sami to be the one to call you out like that.

Meanwhile, in the living room, it wasn't going so well. As you quieted down your cries, you heard the conversation in the living room. "Well, that just happened." Sami awkwardly said, breaking the silence.

Jimmy and Jey, on the other hand, looked at Sami in shame. "What they hell was that?" The booming voice of Solo shocked everyone.  "W-what do you mean?" Solo rolled his eyes. "What did you just do to Y/n?" Sami shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, it's not my fault she's scared." Sami tried playing the movie back, but Solo was quick to grab the remote.

"No, you made her cry." Sami sighed loudly, getting slightly annoyed at how he was pushing the conversation. "Look, it's not my fault that she's just a scared bitch and-" The moment that word left Sami's mouth, Solo got up fast, and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "If you never talk about her like that again, I swear to god, I'll ruin your fuckin' career. You hear me?"

It took Jimmy and Jey to calm him down and pull him off of Sami. While Roman was sitting on the couch, observing the situation at how protective Solo is about you. "Uce, chill out. Just go talk to Y/n, and we'll handle Sami." Solo didn't look at anyone else, but Sami for a good minute before walking away to your room.

The moment Solo walked behind the wall, Sami let out a breath of relief. "Woah, Solo is one scary man." Sami admitted and unpaused the movie. "Why do you think he acted like that?" Jey questioned with confusion in his voice. "Because he's in love with her." Roman answered, making everyone think for a moment.


The knock on your door was soft and you knew who it was. You walked to the door and creaked it open. You were met with Solo, in his signature black hoodie. "Hey." His voice was quiet and much more calm than what you heard out there. "Hi." You both just stood there, awkwardly looking at each other until you stepped back, letting him in.

You closed the door and belly flopped on the bed, letting a few tears drop. "I'm sorry." Solo's eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "Why are you apologizing?" You turned over, looking at him with your teary red eyes. "Because I ruined movie night." Solo huffed and scooted to you. "You didn't ruin movie night, Y/n. You were just — upset?" 

Solo didn't know how to explain it, but you knew what he was trying to say. "My dad." You started. "My dad, he- he, played this prank on me when I was 7. He dressed up as a clown when I was sleeping and came through my bedroom window and 'attacked' me."

Solo stayed silent, feeling bad. "Oh, but don't worry, all he said is that it's just a prank and I'm a pathetic little bitch, that's scared of everything." Solo bit his lip, trying to control his anger. "And Sami knew about it. He knew about my fear of clowns, but still chose the movie."

Solo began to stand up and go to the door, but your hands grabbed his wrist. "Don't, please don't, Solo. It's okay." Hearing you plead for him, made his heart pound. He sat down with you, pulling the blanket up. "I'm sorry about that. I thought I would have to beat his ass." You both shared a laugh before falling silent again. "Thank you."

Solo whispered a quiet, 'For what?'  "For sticking up for me. I know Jimmy and Jey wouldn't, but you did and I really appreciate that." Solo smiled at you, pulling you closer to his chest. "I couldn't have my favorite girl crying, could I?" A blush formed on your cheeks. Did he just admit to liking you?

The silence was strong as Solo realized what he just said. "Sorry, imma go." You shook your head pulling him back. "It's okay, I like you too." Wait, Solo never said he liked you. You just told him about your crush. Solo noticed how scared you looked and pulled you in for a reassuring kiss.

His lips were soft, as his tongue slipped into your mouth. He held you like you were the most fragile thing in the world. When you both pulled back, you ducked your head down, avoiding eye contact, feeling embarrassed. 

Solo chucked, using his finger to pull your head up. "Don't get all shy on me now." You looked at him with adoration, feeling deeply in love with him. "We can have our own movie night here." You perked up at the suggestion. "John Wick and popcorn?" Solo nodded his head and went to get the popcorn.

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