Edge-The Way You Make Him Feel

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Pairing: Edge x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Angst, Cursing, Name Calling, (Bitch), and Fluff!

Word Count: 2,204

Request/Summary: ⇩

A/N: This was requested by someone on Tumblr

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A/N: This was requested by someone on Tumblr. This is kinda long so Hope You Enjoy!


You walked to the familiar locker room with a smile on your face. You're a manager in WWE, but you manage a great team and that's Rated RKO.

Edge and Randy are demons in the ring and with a heel manager on their side, they're unstoppable.

You just got them a title match deal, by making them put their tag titles on the line for a chance to get another tag team belt so they can have 2 belts on their shoulders.

You gave 3 short knocks before opening up at the sound of Edge's voice. Edge sat on the couch, wrapping his wrists. "Hey." He greeted you. "Hi! I got some great news, but I gotta share it with the both of you." Edge nodded his head, continuing to wrap his wrist.

You watched as his fingers circled around the bandage, going around in circles on his wrist. His muscles flexed as he pulled the bandage apart, finishing wrapping his wrist.

You've always liked Edge. You don't know why, but ever since 2000 when he fought the Undertaker and Kane, you've been so interested in him.


You jumped at Randy's loud vice echoing around the locker room. "Huh?" You heard a groan of annoyance, finally looking at Randy. "Edge said you had something to say?" You cleared your throat.

"Yeah, well, I had a little chat with Vince and he agreed to set up a match with you and Edge against MNM for the titles. All of y'all will put your titles on the line and whatever team wins, walks out with both tag teams belts." You spoke confidently with a smile.

You expected the two to cheer and praise you like they always do, but only one was happy and that Edge. "Ah that's great! We can hold both titles and shut Johnny and Joey up for the next few months."

Edge gave you a small hug, you melting into his touch, but it was cut off by Randy. "Are you serious?" Edge pulled back from you, turning to look at his partner.

"Why would you do that? We never said anything about going after MNM. We talked about fighting DX and now you changed the whole storyline!" You jumped as his voice grew louder, more frustration slipping through.

Edge was quick to put an end to his outburst. "Alright man, calm down. I know you wanted to fight DX, but we gotta get someone gold on our waist and shoulder and Y/n's doing that. Just hear her out." Randy left the room with a scowl on his face.

Edge let out a small breath, running his hand through his frizzy hair. "I'm sorry if I-" Edge cut you off. "No, don't apologize, it's not your fault. He was just really looking forward to beating DX's ass."

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