Dean Ambrose-Everything's Gonna Be Okay

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Pairing: Dean Ambrose x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff! (Mentions of puking)

Word Count: 1,548


A/N: This was requested by yfwniaya  I'm sorry if this ain't super fluffy

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A/N: This was requested by yfwniaya I'm sorry if this ain't super fluffy. Hope You Enjoy!


You woke up to the feeling of an arm draped across your body. You turned over, smiling at the sight of Dean sleeping. You used your finger and traced around his beard, over his lips, and eventually his eyes opened.

"G'morning baby." You smiled at his raspy voice. "Morning." You both sat up, taking in the bright sunlight. "Imma go start some breakfast." Dean announced, standing up and grabbing his boxers from the floor. "I'll take a shower." You got up and grabbed some fresh clothes before going to the bathroom.

You took your shower and when you got out you could smell food lingering up the steps. You quickly got dressed and went down. "Chef Dean, cooking?" Dean turned around showing a plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. "Yup, for us." He set the plates down and took a seat across from you.

As you were eating you couldn't help, but feel nauseous. The food didn't sit right with your stomach. You stopped eating, and drank water and that's when Dena noticed. "What's wrong, is it not good." You were quick to shake your head. "Oh no it's great, I'm just not hungry. I'll save it for later."

You said, getting up and putting it in the microwave. "I gotta go to the gym with Seth and Roman soon, so I'll be gone for an hour or 2." You nodded your head, looking at your phone. "Me and Becky are supposed to meet up at the arena, so I'll see you?"

Dean walked from his chair to you, planting a kiss in your lips. "See ya." You both parted ways, doing your own thing.

After Dean left for the gym, you decided to clean the house. In the middle of washing the dishes, you couldn't help, but feel lightheaded. Your mouth was dry, and next thing you knew, you felt vomit traveling up your throat.

You quickly rushed to the bathroom, making it just in time to the bathroom. You puked in the toilet, feeling some relief come. You pulled back, breathing heavily, catching your breath.

What was going on with you?

You didn't have an appetite, and now you're vomiting. You stood up slowly, feeling a little bit better. You looked at the clock on the wall and jumped. It was almost time for you to go. You checked the house and left to the arena to see Becky.

When you got there Becky greeted you with a strong hug. "Y/n, it's good to see ya, lass!" She squeezed you tightly, rocking from side to side. You winced in somewhat pain, gently pushing her away. "Sorry Becks, but you're kinda hurting me." Becky had a sorrowful look on her face. "I'm sorry. Wanna go hang out in my locker room, watch some old matches?" You nodded your head and followed her to her room.

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