Liv Morgan-Forgetful

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Pairing: Liv Morgan x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,085

Summary: You and Liv try to remember y'all's first kiss, but the stories don't add up.

A/N: I found this kinda funny. Hope You Enjoy!


You sat in the catering with your friends in Liv's lap, giggling at something Naomi said. Just then all y'all's attention was turned to the TV, seeing Seth and Becky kiss for the first time.

Gasps echoed around the arena and backstage as no one saw it coming. No one would've expected them to be dating. When the couple walked back, they were met by clapping and cheering.

Seth went off to go take a shower while Becky sat with y'all. "Congratulations, Becks!" Becky gave a small wave, dismissing it. "That wasn't our first kiss, y'know?" The girls only shook their heads.

"To us it was. You've never told us about y'all!" Liv had a small pout on her face. "Yeah, I told y'all about me and Y/n and I remember our first kiss like it was yesterday. We getting ready for a date and-

Liv's Flashback.

You put the finishing touches of makeup on before smiling to yourself. You've really outdone yourself tonight, but it was mainly for your date Liv.

You and Liv have been talking at the arena leading to this date. You were nervous, but Liv was a sweet girl so you knew everything was gonna be fine. Just then, a knock at the door brought you out your thoughts.

You quickly opened it revealing a shocked looking Liv. "What is there something on my face?" You worriedly began wiping your face, trying to get whatever it was off. "No, it's just you're so beautiful." You blushed at her compliment taking her hand.

Liv smiled, jumping up and down. "There's this new fancy restaurant that I've been wanting to go to, so I chose you to come with me!" Your heart fluttered at how happy she was. "Awe, thank you Liv." She helped you in her car before driving off to the place.

When you got there it sure was fancy. Red and gold everywhere, people dressed in beautiful dresses and handsome tuxedos. A lady sat you at your table and then y'all ordered.

"What may I get y'all this evening?" You and Liv looked over the menu and came up with an agreement. "Yes, can we get a big plate of Chicken Alfredo?" The waitress looked confused, but didn't say anything. "Of course, I'll be back out shortly."

As y'all waited for your food, y'all began talking about work, family, and many other things. Your food was placed on the table and y'all dug in fast.

You were so busy eating that you didn't realize you were sucking on the same noodle as Liv. You both were determined to eat the noodle and before you knew it, y'all were pulled together in a quick kiss. You two pulled back instantly with shuttered apologies, but still continued eating.

End of Liv's Flashback

Liv smirked proudly, arms crossing over her chest. "That's how we had our first kiss." Your brows scrunched down in confusion. "Wait, I don't remember it like that." Liv looked at you this time, shocked. "It did happen because that's when we went to the restaurant 10 minutes away from our house."

The girls watched in amusement as you both had your disagreements. "No Liv, that happened last week!" Liv paused before thinking about the Chicken Alfredo she ate last Thursday. "Oh, yeah. My bad." You rolled your eyes looking at everyone. "This is what actually happened-"

Your Flashback

You and Liv sat behind a couple of crates backstage, giggling like little children. Y'all planned to jump scare anyone who comes by. You and Liv have become 'an easy target' backstage, meaning anyone could say or do anything to y'all and not do anything about it.

Now, it's time. You and Liv watched Mandy Rose all by with a cake in her hand, dressed in a new black and gold dress, hair and makeup freshly done. You and Liv did a silent countdown before jumping out. "BOO!" The sync yelling caused Mandy to slip and fall, making the cake fly in the air, landing on her face and in her hair.

It took her a moment before letting out an ear piercing scream. "Are you freaking kidding me!?" You and Liv took off running when you heard Sonya coming. "Where are they!?" You and Liv ended up hiding in a dark closet, waiting for Mandy and Sonya to go past the closet. "Do you think they're gone?"

You shrugged your shoulders, peeking out the crack in the door. "Where's the light in here?" There was barely any room, with y'all's feet almost touching. Liv tried feeling for the light switch, but failed. "Oh wait, what's that?"

Liv reached for something behind you and you felt something being moved beneath you. "Wait Liv don't-"  It was already too late when she moved the box under you, making you and Liv tumble down.

That wasn't the only thing that happened because you felt something soft on your lips. The sound of the door opening made your eyes shoot open. You then saw Liv on top of you, foreheads almost touching, and that when it hit you that y'all were kissing.

You were interrupted when you both got pulled away from each other. It was Mandy and Sonya ready to fight.

Y'all might have got your asses beat, but you did it before your first kiss.

End of Your Flashback

This time you smiled proudly as everyone heard your story. "Oh yeah, I remember that!" You and Liv shared a small peck, for celebration. "Y'all are both dipshits, that's not how it went." Everyone turned around to see the Women's Champ, Rhea Ripley.

"And how do you know that?" Liv challenged. "Because I was there." Liv paused, a look of confusion spreading to her face. "You were?" Rhea nodded her head.

"Yeah, the kiss happens because y'all were playing Twister and Liv fell on top of Y/n and your lips came together. Then, Liv got up and ran like a little girl to her room while Y/n just sat here with a goofy smile on her face."

You thought for a moment and began laughing. "That's definitely what happened!" The girls around the table laughed at how dumb y'all sounded telling stories that happened recently. Rhea then added, "It took me 2 weeks to get y'all to talk to each other so y'all could go on a date."

You and Liv wiped the tears away from your eyes from all the laughing y'all did. 

Y'all are just so forgetful.

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