Judgement Day Members With A Girlfriend Who Came From A Different Relationship

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Characters: Damian Priest, Dominik Mysterio, Finn Balor, Rhea Ripley. x Fem!Reader.

Word Count: 4,806

A/N: I've been wanting to write for the whole Judgement Day team, except for JD. (and R-Truth ofc.) Which one was your favorite?!Anyways, Hope You Enjoy!


Damian Priest: 

You let out a sigh as Damian's voice grew louder from yelling at Finn

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You let out a sigh as Damian's voice grew louder from yelling at Finn. Finn just almost cost him his title tonight and Damian made sure to let him know about it.

"Damian, baby, calm down it's not-" You tried speaking, but Damian quickly snapped towards you. "I'm not talking to you Y/n! This is between me and Finn." You slightly flinched at his loud voice.

He never yells at you

Damian didn't notice it, too caught up in yelling at Finn. Of course when Rhea isn't here Damian's yelling at everyone.

"Aye, man, chill out. You didn't lose the belt." Dominik said, trying to loosen the tension. It worked as Damian looked down at the belt he was gripping in his hands.

He then looked at Finn, eyes full of nothing, but hatred. "You better stay out of my way during my title offenses." Finn rolled his eyes, walking away, not wanting to keep fighting.

You gently placed a hand on Damian's arm, grabbing his attention. "Damian, can we go to the hotel now? I'm kinda tired." Damian took a deep breath nodding his head. "Yeah, c'mon."

And with that, Damian grabbed y'all bags and out you went to the parking lot and into the car.

The whole drive to the hotel, you could tell Damian was still mad. He was oddly quiet and his hands were gripping the steering wheel hard.

Music saved the silence, but he still wasn't over everything.


You let out a sigh, as you swiped the car to the door and went inside. "Jeez, Valhalla really jacked me up in my match." You groaned out, rubbing your shoulder. Damian slammed the door and went to the bathroom, also slamming the door, causing you to jump. You've never really liked loud noises.

Brought back to many memories.

You knocked on the door before opening it. Damian was in the shower and you took the time to do your skin care. Once you were done you went to the small kitchen and searched for something to eat.

Damian came out, coming to look for the same thing, but of course he began to speak. "I can't believe Finn almost cost me my title. I just got it!" You rolled your eyes like Finn.

This is all he's gonna talk about for the next week and a half.

Your little eye gesture didn't go unnoticed from him. "What? Why're you rolling your eyes for? I could've lost my title!" Damian said, his voice slowly getting louder. You weren't about to listen to him complain.

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