Liv Morgan-Snow Day

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Pairing: Liv Morgan x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 715

Summary: You and Liv play with the snow outside for the first time.

A/N: Hope You Enjoy!


If there's one thing about Liv Morgan it's that she hates the cold.

Anywhere is she, if it involves her wearing a coat, she doesn't like it. So that's why you wanted to go outside and play with the snow.

You've never made them before, but it looks like fun. You never got to have snow because of the location where you lived, so this is like the first time seeing snow.

You grabbed you and Liv's coat off the coat hangers and grabbed the gloves off the coffee table in the living room on your way to the bedroom.

You gave two knocks to the door before opening it after hearing a faint, 'come in'. You walked through the door and saw Liv on her laptop. She looked up at you smiling. "Hey babe, do you need something?"

You nodded your head and pulled out the gloves from behind your back. "Well, I was thinking, we could got outside and play in the snow." You sounded nervous to ask her because you know how much she hates the snow.

Liv looked outside and the whole ground was covered in snow. She put her hand towards the window to feel the breeze, shrugging her shoulders. "It's not that cold. I guess we can." You smiled and began doing a little dance in your spot.

"I was scared you were gonna say no." Liv shook her head. "I see how bad you wanna go and why would I want to turn down my beautiful girl?" She kissed your forehead and went to the bedroom to get her jacket, scarf, and hat. You waited at the door, excited as she came down.

She had layers of jackets on, at least 3 you could see, and 2 scarfs. "Liv, baby, you don't need all of that." Liv shook her head, disagreeing. "Honey, it's snowing outside, which means it's cold." You ignored her and opened the door.

White flakes fell from the sky, adding more to the floor as you looked in amusement. You didn't waste any time, belly flipping in the snow. Yeah, it was cold, but you could care less. You rolled over, looking up at the sky, sticking your tongue out to catch a snowflake like you see in movies.

Liv looked on in confusion as you were trying to eat ice crystals. "Y/n, what are you doing?" You caught one and cheered. "Why are you still inside? Come play with me." Liv took a deep breath, seeing all the snow in your hair and over your body.

It was now or never. She ran into the pile of snow, shortly stopping when she fell. It was all over her, as she got up. She felt a shiver run up her body as the snow came in contact with the body parts that she didn't cover up.

She saw snow in her hair and began getting upset. "No, my hair is gonna take hours to-" She was cut off when feeling something hit her body. She turned around and saw you smiling with a snowball in your hand. "Stop whining and play!" You threw the other one and ran for your life as Liv quirked a smile on her face.

She's always been competitive one weather is in matches, playing videos, cooking contests, you name it, she's probably gonna be a challenge. "Two can play this game." She grabbed snow and formed them into snowballs before throwing them your way.

Laughs and giggles could be heard in the neighborhood as you and Liv played with the snow. Y'all made snowmen, built forts, and even got her to eat some snowflakes. Everything was good until you two got tired and went into the house.

"This was really fun. Thank you, babe." You hugged her, thanking her for the wonderful evening. "Of course! Anything for my girl!" She kissed you on the lips, letting her hands roam to your butt.

"Let's go take a shower together to save water." She winked at you and walked upstairs.

After you both 'saved water' you two sat on the couch, until Liv broke the silence.

"If we do that every time we have a snow day, I would love to have a snow day, everyday." She said, leaving you flustered.

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