Sonya Deville-Increase My Pay

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Pairing: CEO!Sonya Deville x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Smut. Cursing, Degradation, Face Fucking, GP!Sonya, Hair Pulling, Names, (Good Girl & Messy Girl), Oral, (Sonya Receiving), Priase,
Spanking, and Unprotected Sex. Minors DNI 18+

Word Count: 2,454

Summary: Your rent for your apartment begins to get high and then your boss, the CEO of your job, Sonya, decreases your pay, making you have no other choice, but to beg for a raise, and you'll do anything.

A/N: First time writing for Sonya and I like this whole CEO idea. Let me know if I should write for her again. Hope You Enjoy!


You let out a sigh as you threw the piece of mail on your kitchen island.

Your rent has been getting higher and higher over the past 4 months and it doesn't help when your boss keeps decreasing your pay by $10. You went from making $26 an hour to $11 in the span of 3 months.

You tried to keep it to yourself, but this time you can't. Your bills are piling up and you're not about to be in the dark with no electricity or internet when you get home.

You decided that today was the day you're gonna confront your boss. You got ready and drove to the building.


People greeted you as you walked through the large building, but you mainly ignored them. You made a b-line to Rhea's office. You've been friends with Rhea for a while, in fact, she's the one who got you this job.

Without knocking you walked through, throwing your bag on the ground. Rhea noticed and instantly got concerned. "Hey, what's wrong?" You let out a small huff as you laid back in a chair. "My rent is going up and I'm making less than a high schooler."

Rhea let out a small chuckle. "I know mine has too. Y'know, when I first started this job, I was making $37 an hour. Now I'm making $25." You let out a jealous scoff. "Oh, lucky you. At least you can make $20. I'm only getting $11!" Rhea's eyes grew wide. "$11?" You nodded your head.

It doesn't make any sense because you're Sonya's assistant. That means you should be making more money than anyone.

You're in charge of setting up her schedules, taking phone calls, making sure she's got the right papers for meetings, and many more important things that determine how her business runs, so why are you making less?

"I think I'm gonna just talk to the boss and ask her if she can increase my pay." Rhea let out a gasp, getting up from her computer. "Don't. She'll fire you in a second."

You shrugged your shoulders almost not caring. "Well what else am I supposed to do, Rhea? I have to pay $1700 for rent and $800 for internet, that's $2,500 every month and I'm not getting anywhere with $11 an hour. I'm already 2 weeks behind. Soon I'm gonna get kicked out! I have no other choice." Rhea stayed silent, knowing you're right.

She's never been in your situation before, so she doesn't know how to help. "I guess you're right, but be careful." You smiled at her concern, giving her a hug. "Thank you. I'm just gonna go talk to her and tell her that she needs to raise my pay. I'll be back."

You walked out the room with a slight smile on your face, confident to talk to your boss. You gave a knock in a specific song. "Come in, Y/n." You walked through the door with a look of determination.

"Good morning Y/n, how'd you sleep last night?" You ignored her question, grabbing a rolling chair and sliding it in front of her desk. She looked confused as you sat down staring at her. "Ms, Deville, I would like to talk to you about something."

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