24. Good Enough for Now Part 2. Urge of the Night We Laid

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POV: Roger

    Donny and Marie had agreed to entertain Aastha so that Ritu and I could work on our paper. Of course, Marie was convinced that work on our paper was code for sex and she would never stand in the way of that. If she had thought we really wanted to do homework, she probably would not have been so accommodating.

We had had a freak snowstorm that morning and I had spent most of the day shoveling snow from around the apartment complex. The guy I normally hire to do that got snowed in. So, I was exhausted when I picked up Ritu and Aastha at the dorm and brought them back to the apartment.

Marie had set up a Fondue on the kitchenette counter so we could snack as needed throughout the evening. The only problem was that left Ritu and I without a workspace. We had to take our laptops into my bedroom to work. Just as well since Donny and Marie got out Donny's Guitar Hero equipment and began teaching Aastha how to play. We probably would not have been able to work on our paper with that distraction anyway.

As we headed for my bedroom, Marie asked, "Are you two sure you don't want to play with us?"

"Yeah, we really have to get this paper done."

"Sure, you do," Marie teased. "I had better only hear the sounds of computer keys coming out of that room.

I closed the door to isolate us from the sound of Guitar Hero in the next room. Ritu sat cross-legged on the bed with her laptop and began typing away. I sat next to her to see what she was typing. She was writing about the night we spent in the honeymoon cabin. She was keeping it G-rated, but just reading about it and remembering was getting me aroused despite my fatigue.

After about ten minutes of this torture, I told her, "I have to take a break. Let's get some of that fondue before it becomes fondon't. We emerged from the bedroom and were immediately immersed in the sound of Guitar Hero. I could see that they were having a good time and were already through half a bottle of wine. I poured glasses for Ritu and myself.

Marie looked up from her drums and said, "That was quick. Must not have been much of a homework assignment or whatever else you were up to."

"Very funny. We took a break because Roger got hungry."

"And I bet I know what he is hungry for," Marie just had to keep teasing. "Careful with that wine, Ritu, everyone knows Indians can't hold their fire-water," Marie laughed. She apparently was already drunk.

"Do you really want me to start rolling out French stereotypes?" Ritu came back at her.

"Go ahead, my armpits are shaved and I'm not ashamed I know good wine and how to kiss and all the essential bedroom skills. There is no way I would finish a homework assignment in less than five minutes."

Aastha was laughing. She was no doubt enjoying Marie's ragging on Ritu.

"We need to get back to that paper," Ritu announced to the room.

"Try to put more effort into it this time," Marie added with a snort.

We went back in the room. I expected Ritu to go straight to her laptop. Instead, she closed the door, shoved me onto the bed and jumped on top of me. Apparently, I wasn't the only one aroused by the memory of our vision night.

Did this mean we were back together? How the hell would I know? Women! I did know enough not to question what was happening. Mine is not to reason why. Mine is but to do and sigh.

When I was a boy, my favorite poem was The Charge of the Light Brigade. The heroics of mounted cavalry charging into the jaws of death and the mouth of hell was my idea of excitement. As I got older my ideas on excitement changed. I wrote the following parody of that famous poem to describe Ritu's and my exciting evening. Those familiar with the classic poem will enjoy the following. For those not familiar you should google it or play the inserted YouTube clip above.

The Urge of the Night We Laid

By Roger Ryan


Half fatigued, half fatigued,

Half fatigued but onward,

Into the valley of pleasure,

Drove my sex hunger.

Remember the night we laid.

Urge for those buns abed!

Into the valley of pleasure,

Drove my sex hunger.


Urge of the night we laid.

Why was I so dismayed?

How could I know what she knew?

Had I just blundered?

Mine's not to make reply,

Mine's not to reason why,

Mine's just to do and sigh.

Into the valley of pleasure,

Drove my sex hunger.


Luscious thigh to right of me,

Luscious thigh to left of me,

Luscious lips in front of me,

Quivered with wonder.

Forward my passion swell,

Boldly I thrust so well,

On to that little death,

Into that welcoming dell

Surged my sex hunger.


Thrashed her body so fair,

Thrashed too her raven hair.

Passionate pleas beyond compare,

Urging me onward, while

Feeling down under.

Plunged in our sweat we did soak.

Til the sex tension broke.

Both bodies

Reeled with that final stroke.

Satiated, I wonder?

Then we rolled back, back, but not,

Not the sex hunger.


Luscious thigh to right of me,

Luscious thigh to left of me,

Luscious lips in front of me,

Quivered with wonder.

Exhausted we finally fell.

One last glimpse of that sensuous dell.

I knew that I had done quite well.

Achieved the little death.

Calmed my demanding swell.

All that was left of them.

Left of the sex hunger.


When will the afterglow fade?

Oh, the wild charge I'd made.

Truly a wonder.

Honor the charge I'd made!

Honor the night we laid,

Insatiable sex hunger.

My apologies to Lord Tennyson.  

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