10. The Double Date Part l Code Words

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POV: Ritu

    "I can't believe I agreed to this." Marie was putting the final touches on her make up. We had told the guys we wanted to go casual, but even casual, Marie took over an hour to prepare. I have to admit she did look great. Still working on her makeup she says, "This guy had better be really hot, really rich, or at least have a great personality. Which reminds me, we need a code word."

"Code word?" I asked.

"You know, in case the date is going badly. If either of us says the code word the other one knows we need to wrap things up. How about Titanic? If either of us says Titanic the other will know it is time to abandon ship."

"Okay, but I want a code word for if things are going too well."

"Whaat?" she stuttered turning from her mirror.

"Look Marie. I really like Roger, but I don't have time for a serious romantic relationship. This date is just about going out to have fun with friends. I don't want things to get overly affectionate. That goes for you too. If you and Donny start making out, it will be very awkward for Roger and me. So, if I feel you two are getting too hot and heavy, I'll say quicksand meaning we are sinking into something we can't get out of. Then you have to explain to Donny to save his displays of affection for when you have privacy. Okay?"

"Are you serious?"

"I am. It is just that I've been on double dates before that got out of hand. The friend I was doubling with got really involved with her date. I wasn't supposed to be on a date in the first place. I had snuck out telling, my parents I was out with a girlfriend. So, I was trapped. I couldn't call my parents to come get me. I couldn't convince my girlfriend to wrap things up. I ended up doing things with that date that I really didn't want to. Not a pleasant memory."

"Oh, I'm so sorry Ritu. Was that your first time?"

"No, that was a different unpleasant experience." I figured I had to explain. "When your parents won't let you date and you have to do all your dating behind their backs, well, it leads to a lot of unpleasant experiences. So, that is why dating is not a high priority for me. "I don't think Roger will try anything, but if you and your date start going hot and heavy, it just becomes awkward. Okay?"

"Okay. I'll try. But you know I think you are making a mistake avoiding a romantic relationship with Roger."

My cell phone rang. It was the boys. They were here to pick us up.  

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