14. Turning Things on Part 4 Smiley

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POV: Smiley (Warning possible mature content? Not really, but we are getting there.)

    And sometimes when you lead the horses to water, they actually drink.

And sometimes they do other things...

"Come on, you know you want to. It'll be fun." Roger kept trying to encourage her.

"It is not romantic, and it is not very sanitary." Ritu is reluctant, but giggling. They have both had too much wine.

"Generations of kids would disagree with you, and I can assure you I've engaged in much less sanitary activities without complaints. Come on, just put this in your mouth and when I nod start sucking on it. But not too hard just enough to keep it stiff. Go slowly so we can savor the anticipation of the climax. If you want, I can put some sauce on it to make it taste better."

Okay readers, by now it is obvious what Roger is trying to get Ritu to do. He is trying to get her to reenact the scene from the Disney classic "Lady and the Tramp" where Lady and Tramp both end up with opposite ends of the same strand of spaghetti in their mouths. They suck on the strand until their lips come together in a kiss. Ritu thinks it is silly, but she finally agrees, and the resulting kiss lasts far longer than the animated classic. This kiss will no doubt lead to other activities, but I'll leave that to your imagination. The other authors and I want to keep this chronical PG-18.  

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