14. Turning Things on Part 3 Ritu

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POV: Ritu

    I finished setting the table adding some wine glasses and opening a cabernet to let it breathe. I found a CD player and a collection of romantic CDs. Don Mclean's "Starry, Starry Night seemed appropriate. Not really a romantic ballad but then a real romance wasn't really the end game. This was to be just a onetime romantic evening.

Roger came out of the bedroom wearing the other plush bathrobe. His hair was a mess, apparently, he couldn't find a comb. With his tousled hair and goofy grin, he looked adorable.

"That coconut scented conditioner is really nice," he commented as he rubbed his towel once more over his hair then held the towel up to his face smelling it. "I would use it just for this scent."

"Did you get the washer turned on okay?" I asked.

"I'll say! She's in there humming away contentedly as we speak."

"Your hair is a mess. Bet you wish we'd packed a change of clothes and a few more toiletries now?

"No, I'm good. In fact, I'm commando under this robe. It is very liberating. What about you?"

"Roger! That's gross. That is neither romantic nor appropriate dinner conversation. I am going to pretend you at least have underwear on under that robe. Let's sit down and eat."

We sat at the table and Roger poured the wine. Roger picked up his glass and stared at me over the top of it. "I'm confused. Are we still in the can't be romantically involved mode or have things changed?"

I picked up my glass and stared back at him. "Roger, I really do like you a lot. The time I've spent with you is the most fun and excitement I've ever had. But realistically, I have a plan for my life and it mainly involves studying. But you've convinced me that it doesn't have to exclude fun all together. That is what I want this evening to be, fun."

"By fun what exactly do you have in mind?"

"Hopefully, the same thing you do including enjoying each other's bodies completely. I just don't want you to think it is anything more than that. You act cavalier, but I'm pretty sure you are the type to want a serious relationship. I think you are more sensitive and caring than you let on. I don't want to hurt you. Can you be okay with casual fun?"

"Ahem," Roger cleared his throat. "Let me explain something to you," he said sounding very serious. "When you offer a guy sex, no matter what conditions you place on the offer, you will only get one answer and that is yes. That will be his answer whether or not he has any intention of abiding by those conditions.

"Ritu, I really do like you a lot too and perhaps you are right that I am too sensitive and caring. All I know is I want to be with you and will never be satisfied with a situation where that is not possible. So, you can pretend this is a temporary fling, but I'm going to pretend I will eventually win you over. If it takes until you finish your education, I can wait. You are worth it." Roger clinked his glass against mine and said, "A toast. To pretense and fun." We both drank.  

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