16 Morning After Part 2 Ritu

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POV: Ritu

    "Oh my freaking head!" I sat up grabbing my head with both hands. Oh my God, I'm naked! My robe was laying over me. I quickly put it on.

Roger was sitting next to me. He asked, "Do you remember anything?"

"I might be able to remember my name once my head stops throbbing. You have got to stop giving me wine." I noticed the bite marks on my arm. "How did this happen?"

"I think the coyote had to pull us out of the tub. I have one too."

Things were beginning to come to me, but they were not making any sense. I remember making love with Roger and after that, things got really weird. "Do you remember anything?" I asked.

"I remember making love and then having the wildest dream you could possibly imagine."

"Walking among the stars?" I asked taking a wild guess expecting, maybe hoping, to be wrong.

Roger didn't answer he just stared disbelievingly at me. After an awkward silence he asked, "Where is that damn dog?" 

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