9. Debts Part l I'm So Excited (and I just can't hide it)

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POV: Ritu

    For a change, I got to class early so I'd have some time to talk to Roger. There was so much I wanted to say to him. I was so stunned after winning that jackpot, I just didn't get the things I needed to say said.

My pulse beat a little faster when I saw him come in. That was strange. Maybe I was just anxious to get my thank you off my chest. Maybe it was more than that.

"Hey you," he said with a grin as he plopped into the seat next to me.

"Hey yourself," I returned his greeting and grin. "Roger, I really had a good time last night. And, it wasn't just the jackpot. I want to thank you for the entire evening."

"It was my pleasure," he grinned.

"Also, it occurred to me that it was your quarter that won the jackpot so don't I owe you part of the winnings?" I asked.

"No, it was your pull and your luck that won the money. It's all yours." He began rubbing his chin as if he was pretending to reconsider. "Well, I guess you do owe me a quarter. Tell you what. Agree to go out with me again and we'll call it even.

"Are you saying a date with me is only worth a quarter?" I pretended to be insulted.

"A quarter that was ultimately worth twenty grand; I should remind you.

"Fair enough," I smiled. "You know I mentioned your idea of introducing our roommates to each other to Marie, and she said she'd be interested. If we double dated with them, would that settle my debt?"

"Not what I was hoping for, but I guess we could consider it a down payment. I'll have to check with Donny."  

Why was I so excited about the prospect of this date?   

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