30. Boot Camp Part 1 Drill Instructors

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POV: Roger

    "What's the deal on you, clod!" the drill instructor was shouting right in my face. I'd seen this same drill instructor bring other recruits to tears. My biggest concern was that I might start laughing at him. My family had been preparing me for being put down and yelled at my whole life. This guy was an amateur in my opinion. Uh oh, I think I may have just smirked.

"Something funny recruit? Drop and give me ten."

"Yes sergeant!" I did as I was told. I was actually enjoying this structured life. The freedom of our chains finally made sense to me. It is the freedom from decisions and responsibilities. Being told what to do and when to do it really takes the pressure off. On top of that you are given plenty of exercise and three meals a day. The downside was ten weeks without seeing Ritu.

"You call those pushups, wimp? Give me ten more!" Yeah, lots of exercise. "For Ritu," I kept telling myself.

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