8. The Medicine Wheel Part 4 Ritu Back at the Dorm

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POV: Ritu

    "How was your evening?" Marie asked as I entered my dorm room. She sat up on her bunk to begin her interrogation.

"You wouldn't believe it." I was still stunned myself and didn't know what else to say.

"That bad?" she asked preparing to console me.

"No. Just the opposite. Maybe the best night of my life." My response was somewhat hesitant as the truth of what I was saying dawned on me. It wasn't just the big win. It was the entire evening. The excitement and wonder of a new environment and being on a real grown-up date. Roger's funny stories that had me forgetting about school for a while. My first stress free evening in a long time and I owed it all to Roger.

Marie pulled her legs up under her on the bed. Sitting on her heels she leaned forward and excitedly commanded me, "tell me more! Tell me more!"

"Well, we had a fabulous dinner at La Strada. It was very classy — a maître d', a sommelier, the whole nine yards. Roger was a perfect gentleman. He held my chair and everything. The food was perfect, and Roger was delightful. After dinner we played a slot machine, and I won twenty thousand dollars."

Marie lurched forward and about fell off of her bed. "You're kidding?"

"Not kidding," I assured her. "Roger was delightful."

"Ha ha. So, you really did win at slots?"

"I did." I showed her the check.

"Wow, that really was a great date, now what about the juicy parts. Tell me how you showed him your gratitude."

"Well, I did kiss him when he dropped me off," I said somewhat embarrassed.

"I bet that was some kiss!" Marie was beside herself giggling.

"It was on the cheek." I hung my head.

"Girl, if you don't do right by that guy, then I'm going to start dating him. Maybe lightning can strike twice. I could certainly use twenty grand. Heck I'd just settle for a nice date."

"Roger did mention that he could set you up with his roommate. Maybe we could double?"

I was thinking it could be a chance for me to go out with Roger again without worrying about it becoming too intimate.

"What do you know about this roommate?"

"Practically nothing. I think he may work at the casino."

"He is a guy, and he has a job. Definitely my type," She laughed.  

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