17. The Walk Home Part 1 Roger

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POV: Roger

    For obvious reasons, I wanted to stay another night, but Ritu didn't want to miss anymore school. I tried to convince her we needed to see if the coyote had another vision for us. She was not interested in another vision or whatever it was those brownies had done to us. She was not even willing to acknowledge the vision we did have. I suppose it could have been some wine and hot tub induced coincidental dream synchronized by us both talking in our sleep, a midwinter night's dream.

We never did find the coyote. I'm not sure what his role was anyway. Perhaps he did save us from drowning in the hot tub. Or perhaps we got out on our own and the bite marks were where he tried to chow down on us and decided we were not to his tastes. His leading us to Donny was surely a coincidence and maybe he was just somebody's dog that finally found its way back to its owner.

We got dressed, packed up, and headed back to the trail that led to the trailhead and our car. I think we both wanted to talk about the dream but were afraid to.

We were afraid it was not real, and we were afraid it was. So, we just continued in silence.

If the dream was not real, I was afraid one or both of us were crazy. Maybe it was the brownies and who knows what kind of permanent damage they may have done to our brains.

If the dream was real, I was afraid it meant that Ritu and I were about to drift apart. That is what I feared most, and I didn't want to do anything to hasten that.  

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