15. Starry, Starry Night Part 3 The Vision

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POV: Smiley

    Like nothing I'd ever seen before! And remember, I'm a spirit animal and I've seen everything. The entire hot tub lit up like a supernova. The light appeared to originate in Roger. It burst out of him and straight up through Ritu. Her head tilted back, and the light streamed from her straight up to Sirius. Picture the transformation scene at the end of the movie "The Fifth Element" where the light burst out of her like an unstoppable fiery torrent. What? I watch movies.

Okay, I may have exaggerated all that. We spirit animals have vivid imaginations, so I took literary license to impress you with what it was like for me. The three of us were sharing consciousness and I had never experienced a human female orgasm before, and I was blown away. Those were some brownies.

We were in a shared dream. If I may continue with my literary license, we were walking among the stars. I was Canis Major the celestial wolf, Roger was Orion and Ritu was his lover Artemis goddess of the moon. Or perhaps more appropriately she was Anumati the Hindu lunar goddess, the giver of permission. It was her granting of permission that made this vision possible.

"What now, spirit guide?" the moon inquired of the celestial wolf.

I explained to Ritu and Roger I was to provide them the answer to the question they had brought to their vision quest.

Ritu asked, "What question is that?"

. "It is the question that is most prominent in your minds. It is the same question both of you are asking now — What does the future hold?

"Can you answer that? Is that possible?" Ritu asked.

"We are walking through the stars, Ritu," Roger answered. "I'm thinking anything is possible."

I nodded to Roger and said, "You are right, Roger, everything is possible walking among the stars and foreseeing the future. But futures are like a myriad of threads weaving their way from this point to an infinite number of possibilities. The threads separate and sometimes weave back together. This is especially true for you two. Some threads are more likely than others, but none are guaranteed. But I can tell you about your most likely ones. Who wants to go first?"

Can't you do us both together? I'm only interested in futures where we are together," Roger insisted.

"I'm sorry, Roger. The most likely threads have you and Ritu separating for a while."

"Are there any threads that don't?" Roger asked with desperation in his voice.

"There are an infinite number of threads, but the ones where you stay together now are no more likely than the ones where you both drown in the hot tub. Really guys, you should both know better than to drink that much before hot tubbing. Don't worry. I don't let that happen. Although, it is no small feat for me to get you out of that tub."

"So, what does happen to us?" Ritu asks.

"You finish your education and become a very successful medical research scientist. You discover a cure that improves many lives and saves many others."

"And I suppose that I just pine away in misery the rest of my life." Roger suggests.

"Not at all. You have a very exciting life. You become a jack of all trades. For some reason, you decide to pick up the vernacular of a stoner who becomes your mentor for a brief time, and unfortunately you pick up some of his pharmaceutical habits for unwinding as well. Eventually you join a detective agency that specializes in cybercrime. You share special brownies with them, so hang on to that recipe. You help solve mysteries, catch criminals and also save lives."

"What about finding true love and having a family?" Ritu begs me to continue.

"You've already found the one. And Roger ends up with a very interesting extended family.

"Wait, what are you saying? What have I already found? You said Roger and I were going to part ways." Ritu was confused.

"I also said that sometimes threads weave back together. Perhaps on some future Starry Night." I smiled at my joke that would only be revealed in time.

"What about children?"

"I can tell you that Roger has a niece as part of his extended family. That is all you need to know for now. You will quickly forget this as time goes on and possibly only remember that you had an unusual dream. Now, I have to get you out of that tub!"  

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