1 First Day of Class Part 1 Ritu

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POV: Ritu

    "Why me?" I thought as the professor finished explaining this ridiculous assignment and as I squirmed in my seat trying to figure out what I had gotten myself into. I scanned the lecture hall. It was not like the small classrooms at my high school. It reminded me of a well-lit poorly attended movie theater but with a small table and a lectern at the front instead of a screen. The poor attendance was no doubt due to the headlined feature - indigenous peoples' culture - hardly a box office blockbuster. 

This auditorium was typical of the newer buildings of the University of Nevada Reno. Typical except maybe for the posters of spirit animals on the walls. Actually, nothing other than the room was typical about this class nor was this class even close to what I imagined it was going to be like. It wasn't bad enough that at twenty-one I am probably the oldest student in a class I have no real interest in, but now this crazy quest thing. You've got to be kidding me. 

Karma. This is what I get for trying to score an easy "A." Yeah, the only reason I took this class was for an easy elective. Don't get me wrong. It is not like I avoid difficult courses and only take easy ones. That would be my roommate Marie. She is majoring in French Literature. The thing is she grew up in Paris. She has basically been studying French literature her entire life. Her majoring in French Literature would be like me majoring in dealing with overbearing parents. Unluckily for me, no such major exists. Even if it did, Marie's curriculum would probably still be easier. No, I am premed and stuck with Honors Biology, Chemistry, Calculus, and English in addition to this elective class. I am actually trying to get an education. Marie is trying to snare a boyfriend. 

I was told this class was an easy 'A.' That is something hard to come by in a pre-med curriculum; so, I signed up. I am having second thoughts now. Even this elective is new material for me. All I know about indigenous Americans is what I've seen on TV and the movies and I'm pretty sure that's not right. The media tends to overly simplify or overly glorify everything. "Ugh, me primitive savage persecuted by aggressive white man and his manifest destiny." Does anyone think it was that simple? 

Marie had teased me about being an Indian studying Indian culture. But I am an Asian Indian and this is a class on Native American Culture. I'm pretty sure American Indians and Asian Indians have little more than the name in common and that only because of some Italian explorer's confusion. Columbus gets everything completely wrong and gets a holiday named after him. I am trying to do something positive with my life and will be lucky if anyone will remember me after I'm gone. The world clearly favors screw-ups.

I am a third generation American. Despite my Asian Indian heritage and despite my growing up in California, a state with plenty of American Indians and their casinos, the fact is that I have little in common with either Indian culture.  

And who would have thought this class would require going into the wilds with a complete stranger! As soon as I heard that, I raised my hand to get the professor's attention. 

"Yes, you in the front row, you have a question, Miss?" the professor, finally called on me. I had already sized him up. He was a young thirty something in casual dress and a cheerful demeanor. I figured he was not the type to be offended by my question. Unlike my Calculus professor from my first class of the day. Calculus is hardly my favorite to begin with, but that professor was definitely not going to help my attitude toward the subject. He was a stodgy old guy convinced all students were idiots who should be honored just to be in his presence. 

At least this professor smiles. So, I asked, "Professor is it too late to drop this class or at least maybe convince you to change this assignment to something more realistic?" My question prompted nervous whispering throughout the lecture hall. I think others were also reconsidering this particular class. Apparently, I was not the only one caught off guard by the prospect of going on this so-called vision quest. 

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