27. Toby comes to visit Part 1. The Friday after Thanksgiving

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POV: Roger

    Toby showed up Friday afternoon. He looked good. Like Aastha you would never guess there was anything wrong with him. I explained to him he would have to crash in the living room sleeping in the bean bag chairs, but he could use the shower in my bathroom. Then I told him to go clean up. He had a date tonight.

"What are you taking about?" Toby asked.

"My girlfriend's sister wants to meet you; so, we are going to double tonight. Do you remember how to play bocce?

"Yeah, remember when I was first diagnosed, I had to learn a new sport for Phys Ed and Bocce was the only one I could do. You used to play with me in the backyard."

"Yeah, I remember. That was fun. There is a place in Reno called Bundox Bocce that has indoor Bocce courts, arcade games and really good pizza. I thought we could take the girls there and teach them to play. Are you game?"

"Sure, but does she know about my ailment?"

"She does, which reminds me, I should tell you she has Limb Girdle muscular dystrophy. Will that be a problem?" He looked at me with an expression of disbelief. I grinned at him saying, "I didn't think so. Now go wash up and get ready."  

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