37. Could it be that Simple?

79 19 53

POV: Smiley

   Could it be that simple? After fifteen years, all that time Roger had been trying to figure out a way for Ritu and him to get back together and now here they were. I admit that I may have had something to do with it. Having the ability to plant ideas in our people's heads is definitely a perk of being a spirit animal. Fairy tales can come true. It can happen to you, if you're young at heart. Farley and his penchant for song lyrics added that last bit and I don't disagree, but it also helps to have a spirit animal.  

Life has its ups and downs and these two were well overdue for some up time. Yes, it was that simple. Roger was now a veteran, a Jack of all trades, and a cybercrime detective. Ritu was now a world-renowned researcher making progress on a cure for Aastha's muscular dystrophy. Toby and Aastha were now software engineers doing freelance development and still seeing each other. And I was now dead. At least my coyote body was. I died in 2011.

What? A coyote can't live forever. I was seventeen. My spirit reincarnated in a domesticated dog named Max, a step up on the reincarnation ladder. Unlike people we get to keep our memories of past lives. This is so we can learn from our mistakes. Since humans are incapable of learning from their mistakes, they have no need of memories from past lives. Have you not noticed how human history keeps repeating itself?

Yeah, I am the Max in the "Sharing Afflictions" trilogy. So, as Max, I got to meet up with Roger again while serving as the spirit animal for our author, Charles Farley. When Max dies, I come back as one of my descendants the pup that was given to Frosty. Funny how things work out. Finally, I should mention that Ritu and Roger are still very much in love and knowing Roger, it would not surprise me if there were more adventures ahead of them.

It was just your typical love story. Boy finds girl attractive and interesting. Girl finds boy obnoxious and bothersome. Smart aleck spirit animal finds couple naïve and slow to catch on. Vision quest ensues. Criminals are apprehended. Boy goes to war. Girl becomes renown research scientist. Yada, yada, yada. Fifteen years pass. They run into each other at Beyond Van Gogh exhibit and live happily ever after enjoying many more starry, starry nights together.

In conclusion, "If we narrators have offended, think but this and all is mended.

That you have but fiction here, and these visions as they appear,

simply a weak and idle theme, nothing more than our shared dream.

Else this dog a liar call, so good reading to you all."

What? I told you I like to paraphrase the bard. I may have been he in a former life. I wonder what he did to end up as me? Something really good? Or something really bad? LOL.

The End... Maybe.  

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