3. Second Day of Class Part 2 Rewind to Roger's POV

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POV: Roger

    Great! No one has taken the seat next to Ritu yet. I'd better hurry down there for a chat before class to see if she is going to be any friendlier today.

"Hey partner." I said in my cheeriest voice, but I could tell from her expression she wasn't going to be any friendlier today. "Are you excited about finally delving into the mysteries of native American culture?" I asked trying to keep the conversation going.

"Hardly." She rolled her eyes.

"Come on. What's not to get excited about? Shamans and medicine men, mysticism and mythical adventures." I was trying anything to at least get a smile from her. No luck. So, I tried a more serious tack, "From your lack of enthusiasm, I take it you're not majoring in anthropology or the like and this was the only elective you could fit in your schedule. So, what is your major?"

"Premed," she said curtly.

"Premed, wow, you're one of those brainiacs, aren't you? So, why are you taking this course?"

"Even brainiacs seek out the occasional easy elective. What about you? Are you an anthropology major?" She sounded doubtful I could be majoring in any serious subject.

Well, at least she was talking to me. Even if it was more talking down to me. I needed a response to put her in her place; so, I said, "Not anthropology, but studying natural phenomenon all the same, theoretical physics." I had considered saying pre-law but that would make me a douche. And I couldn't say anything related to medicine because she'd wonder why she hadn't seen me in one of her other classes. The answer I gave got the desired response. Her mouth dropped open. Then I decided to come clean.

"Just kidding. Actually, I'm not a fulltime student. I'm just dipping my toe into the academic pool. This course seemed an easy start. I am taking this and a French class. I don't want to get too wet," I chuckled.  

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