10. The Double Date Part 5 The Jam Session

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POV: Roger

    Ritu reluctantly agreed to going back to our apartment. On the way back, Donny sat in the backseat with Marie. Ritu rode up front with me. I don't think she was having a good time. Donny and Marie on the other hand were really enjoying themselves. Not just on the other hand. In fact, they were enjoying themselves on all their hands all over each other. For some strange reason Ritu kept muttering, "Quicksand, quicksand."

At the apartment, Donny got a bottle of wine out of the fridge and poured each of us a glass. Marie found the guitar hero videogame drum set that Donny was trying to teach himself to play on. She turned over our wastepaper basket to use as a stool at the drum set. I got my bass and Donny got his guitar and we began to jam to the rhythm Marie was tapping out on the fake drums.

Ritu plopped down in one of the bean bag chairs and pretended to enjoy listening to us. I brought her the glass of wine Donny had poured for her. She drank it rather quickly. She got up a couple of times after that to refill her glass. She drank most of the bottle by herself. It was a magnum. Marie asked her a couple of times to join us as our singer, but Ritu insisted she didn't sing. I found that hard to believe because her speaking voice was certainly like music to my ears.

We played for over an hour until I looked over at Ritu and saw she had fallen asleep in the bean bag.

"Maybe we should call it a night," I suggested.

Marie looked over at Donny then at me and whispered, "Actually, Roger, I wouldn't mind spending the night here tonight."

"So, should I wake Ritu up and take her back to the dorm?" I asked.

"It's Friday, so we don't have school tomorrow. She looks pretty much out of it. Might be best to let her sleep it off here." She turned to Donny. "I do think I'm ready for bed though. Donny, you suppose there might be room in your bed for me?

Donny smiled, "I think we can arrange something. I used to be a Mormon boy, you know. Some hobbies never get old." Giggling they both headed off to Donny's room.

I considered going to my room but was worried what Ritu would do if she woke up in the middle of the night and no one was there. I put on a soft music radio station. Hopefully to help Ritu sleep but mainly so I wouldn't hear anything I didn't want to that might be coming from Donny's room.

I pushed the other bean bag up against Ritu's, turned out the lights and plopped down into the second bag so Ritu would see me if she woke up. Then I realized I was about to fall asleep; so, I placed my arm over on her chair touching her arm, so I'd know if she woke up. Even this slight touching of our arms against each other gave me an incredible warm feeling throughout my body. Honestly folks, I only did this so if she did wake, I could tell her I was ready to take her home or whatever she wanted. Even though I was pretty sure what I wanted was to spend the rest of my life lying next to her.  

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