31. Quartermaster School Part 2 Assignments

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POV: Roger

    After we completed Quartermaster School, Jesse and I were hoping to end up assigned to the same base and I was hoping that would be an Army depot near Ritu. The good news, Jesse and I did get the same assignment. The bad news, the assignment was Afghanistan.

"I hear the climate and terrain are a lot like Nevada. I wonder if they have skiing?" Jesse joked.

"Funny, I hear they have suicide bombers and people shooting at you," I replied. "I tried to avoid areas like that in Nevada."

By the time you are reading this, all the foreign troops have withdrawn from Afghanistan and the Taliban is in charge. When Jesse and I arrived, it was 2007. In 2003, the Taliban reorganized under their founder, Mullah Omar, and began a widespread insurgency against the new Afghan government and coalition forces. Insurgents from the Taliban and other Islamist groups waged asymmetric, guerrilla warfare in the countryside, launching suicide attacks against urban targets, as well as reprisals against perceived Afghan collaborators. By 2007, large parts of Afghanistan had been retaken by the Taliban. In response, the coalition sent a major influx of troops for counter-insurgency operations, with a "clear and hold" strategy for villages and towns; this influx peaked in 2011, when roughly 140,000 foreign troops were operating under the ISAF command across Afghanistan.

Now you know what Jesse and I were being shipped into. Definitely not the assignment I had envisioned.  

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