13. Wednesday Part 2 Ritu

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POV: Ritu (Warning the following is rated immature. It contains bickering between narrators)

    Roger packed up and made sure the fire from last night was cold before we started following our guide. The dog was clearly impatient. He was running circles around us. I was beginning to worry that it's master might be in serious trouble.

We stayed on the trail a bit further, then the helpful hound headed off from the beaten path. Against my better judgement, we kept following the curious canine. It was not as easy going as the trail, but it wasn't too bad. We kept going for about half a day. The determined dog would often get ahead and have to circle back for us. Prancing purposefully, he was one persuasive puppy. (POV: Smiley "Enough with the alliterations Farley! I don't care if it is your characteristic style. This is a collaboration. Stick to Ritu's wording." POV: Ritu "Actually Smiley, I rather like the alliteration." POV: Smiley "Whatever.")

POV: Ritu

Finally, we came to a small clearing with a small cabin at the end of a dirt road. There was a jeep parked outside. I was thinking perhaps the dog's master was staying in the cabin. I started across the clearing to knock on the cabin's door, but the dog began jumping against me as if it didn't want me to approach the cabin. I looked questioningly at Roger.

Roger shrugged, "I don't think he wants us to go to the front door. I'll walk around to the back of the cabin and maybe peek in a window." He and the dog headed around to the back.

I thought that was ridiculous. They were going to get themselves shot as intruders. I decided to go knock on the front door before that happened.

A guy opened the door and stared at me.

I decided to explain quickly, "I'm sorry to bother you, sir. We were out hiking and found a dog and were wondering if it belonged to you."

The man looked around behind me no doubt looking for the dog and whoever I might be with. Before I could explain he asked, "You're that girl who won the jackpot, aren't you? Is there anyone with you?" He pulled a gun, and I decided not to answer. He motioned with the gun for me to go inside. He stepped out and once again scanned the area to see if anyone else was around. Apparently convinced there wasn't, he followed me in saying, "I don't know how you got here. I guess they were right that if we held Donny you would come looking for him. I suppose they told you where he was?" When I didn't answer he concluded, "Doesn't matter. I'm not one to question a jackpot when it falls in my lap."  

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