5. Exams and Assignments Part 2 A Spirit Animal's Job

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POV: Smiley

    That was a close one. There was no way I was going to be able to get into a casino to facilitate their quest so I was glad that at least part of their quest would be in the forest. Of course, proximity isn't essential to communicating with one's spirit animal, but sometimes it is required for other reasons. Most of our communication is done via a shared consciousness what humans might call telepathy. I had already opened up a channel with Roger from many miles away. I was the one who gave him the idea to paint his face on Indigenous Peoples Day. No, it was not necessary for the whole vision quest thing. I just thought it would be funny. What? Coyotes can't have a sense of humor?  

The slot machine medicine wheel was all Roger's idea. I was really starting to like this guy.  

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