6. All In Part l Roger

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POV: Roger

    Another Monday morning, but today she actually smiled when I sat next to her. I think she is warming up to me. Clearly my charm is working. Or maybe because I saved her butt on that assignment. Either way, she is finally being nice to me. Maybe now's the time to try to get some time with her outside of class.

"You know, we really should do a trial run on this quest. You know to head off any surprises." I gave her my hopeful pleading look.

"What did you have in mind?" she asked suspiciously.

"Well, I was thinking we start with part one of our quest and find a casino with a slot machine properly aligned as described in our proposal. Maybe go through the motions for our medicine wheel." She was giving me her you've-got-to-be-kidding look. I decided to go all in. "I'll even treat you to dinner."

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"Maybe?" I hesitated. "Or just two friends working on a class project? Or whatever will get me more time with you? How about it?"  

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