18. Back at the Dorm Part 2 Ritu

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POV: Ritu

    I'm going to kill Marie! Putting me on the spot like that. Roger's and my relationship was on shaky enough ground. We didn't need that earthquake. I'd finally convinced myself that Roger and I could continue to see each other without it interfering with my studies and I think he was finally on board and understood my studies would come first.

Now I was afraid he'd think I wasn't interested in seeing him anymore. I know Roger wanted me to agree to move in with him but living in close quarters like that can really put a strain on a relationship and would definitely put a strain on my studies. I'm going to have to explain that to him.

"Roger, let me drop my things off and get a change of clothes and maybe then we can go back to your place. After all, we need to talk about writing up our quest and other things.

"Change of clothes?" he asked. Then it dawned on him. "Right. That paper will take a lot of work. It is going to be a long night," he finished with a smile.  

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