An Ocean Away

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A/N- (... you'll only be a moment awAAay, thoughts of you subside, then I get another letter, and I cannot put the notion awaAaAy) (hehe, sorry)

"C'mon," Dashi murmured under her breath, prodding the tablet that she'd set up in front of us. Getting good reception from the middle of the ocean was 'surprisingly' difficult, "You were working this morning! Ugggggghhhhhhh! Sorry girls, looks like we'll have to wait a while." Koshi and I both groaned. Technology was great, but sometimes, it had us pulling our fur out.

A faint trilling sound coming from her tablet brought her, Koshi, and I back to reality. All three of us pounced on the tablet and eagerly hit the little green icon with the telephone on it. Over the slightly blurred screen was a light brown figure in pajamas half-hidden with a red cardigan and looking above his screen at the moment, gesturing for someone else to come. Even without seeing his face, we knew who he was.

"Baba!" Dashi called cheerfully as our father peered down into the screen.

"Oh hey!" He beamed, "Woah, where did that angel come from? Did I get the wrong number? Cos I'm pretty sure I dialed my daughters."

"Preston." Another voice come from somewhere in the room that we couldn't see. My parents had been released from the hospital just recently, and decided to video call us as soon as they got home, so here we were, crowded in front of the tablet and bursting with joy and relief at finally hearing their voices and seeing their faces in person and knowing that they were OK after weeks of anxiety. My mother appeared onscreen too.

"I'm sorry about your father, girls. That crash didn't shake up attitude, that's for sure." She rolled her eyes, but she was smiling, "How've you been?"

"Good, mama." Dashi answered for us.

"That's nice to hear." Mom replied as Tweak walked in.

"Hey, Dash-!" She began as Dashi gently shushed her and Dad peered through the screen.

"Is that Tweak?" He asked curiously as Dashi put her face into her paws and Tweak recoiled slightly.

"Dash, how does your dad know my name?"

"She talks about you non-stop." Dad answered as Dashi blushed.

"Why do you assume you're the smartest in the room?" Koshi turned to me with a conspiratorial grin. Oh yeah, we were doing this.

"Soon that attitude will be your doom." I continued as our mother rolled her eyes and gestured for Tweak and Dashi to continue their conversation. It was worth remembering that she was the one who had to put up with this for the last year or so.

"What did she say?" Tweak inquired curiously as Dashi was silently pleading with her not to ask that.

"Oh, just that you're the best friend she's ever had, and you're the smartest, strongest, kindest person she's ever known." My dad answered casually as Tweak's eyes widened.

"Aww, Dashi." Tweak beamed, "You're the sweetest!" Dashi smiled right back.

"Well it's true." She shrugged as she hugged Tweak.

"But have you ever seen her with Kwazii before?" Koshi cut in as Tweak playfully stuck her tongue out at her.

"Have you met Kwazii, baby girl?" She asked as she ruffled Koshi's hair.

"Hang on, who's Kwazii?" My mother asked as both Dashi and Tweak began to talk.

"No one, Mama."

"Nothing to worry about, Mrs. Dashi's Mom."

"OK, then." Mom nodded slowly, wondering whether or not Dashi and Tweak had gone insane. An awkward silence fell on us all. Asking questions in our family always seemed to get us here. Finally, my dad spoke.

"So, uh, Tweak, wanna hear all Dashi's baby stories?"


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