Our Valiant Attempt At Normality

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It's obvious to anyone who meets our Octo-Family. We are absolutely insane. There have been times where the Captain has begged us on his knees to behave ourselves for an hour or so when Natquik came over, but those times usually ended in a bowl of vanilla kelp pudding being upended onto someone's head.

Today must've been another one of these 'special occasions' because not 10 minutes after I woke up, Dashi began shoving me in the direction of the shower.

"Why do I have to take a shower today?" I asked her, still not completely awake.

"Because, I have no idea why he still wants to, but Professor Natquik's coming over for dinner along with a few of the other Octo-Agents." That woke me right up.

"Why? The last time they came over-"

"Let's not think about that." Dashi interrupted me hastily. Whenever we had company over, things always got a little out of control, "They'll be here at seven, so you need to wash and put on nice clothes before then."

"Like, now?" I asked skeptically.

"Not now, you'll get them dirty before then, for sure."

"Fair enough." I shrugged. She wasn't wrong; can't fault the lady. Dashi only sighed and pinched her temples like she always did while I was around, got down to my level and gently cupped my chin in her paws.

"Jane, promise me you won't cause any trouble?"

"Who said anything about-"

"Jane." Dashi warned, giving me her signature stern look. I immediately caved.

"Fine. I promise to be good." I muttered, staring down at my feet as she hugged me gently.

"That's my girl." She planted a kiss on my head and as I looked up, I caught a glimpse of her smile. Dammit, why did Dashi have to be so sweet?

7 PM came too soon for my liking, and before I knew it, Dashi was shoving a stiff, red polo shirt and corduroy pants in my face.

"Put these on and get down to the kitchen, pronto." She said in a tone that instantly told me not to argue with her, so Koshi and I did what any sane person in the scenario would do; put the clothes on and get our tails down to the kitchen as fast as possible. When we got there, Natquik and Tracker had already come, and were standing in the corner chatting with the Captain.

When we came in, the Captain smiled, gestured to the table, which was a complete war zone of plates, both whole and shattered and silverware strewn in every direction and the astonishingly massive pile of dirty pans crammed into the sink and mouthed something I couldn't make out to me until he pointed at the disaster of a kitchen . Ohhhh, so he wanted us to clean up. Cool. That'll be fun (said no one ever).

I got about 3/4 of the way done before the unthinkable happened. Kwazii came into the room. I was under the table at the time trying to pick up a cup and bowl that had definitely been for Shellington (They were plastic; he'd been banned from using anything fragile a long time ago). Kwazii approached the table and proceeded to, for some reason, start flipping everything upside down and bang on it. I totally have never been taught by Tweak to do this, but his shins were within range and I had something hard and not easily breakable in my paws so I threw a plate like a frisbee directly into his shins.

Kwazii yowled and sprang away from the table shrieking, "T'IS THE STOWAWAY ANKLEBITER!!!!!!" By now, all the Octo-Agents were far too used to this to even be slightly surprised, so everyone only looked over with mild interest, looked at Kwazii, then looked down at me.

"Or it is ze child under table." Natquik remarked lightly as Koshi bit her lip to keep herself from laughing.

"What?" Kwazii looked confused but when he bent down and saw me, his face broke into a crazy grin and he lifted me up from under the table.

"We'll look who turned all Tweak on me!" He snarled playfully as he flipped me upside down.

"Kwazii," Tracker piped up meekly, "You may wanna be a bit more careful."

"CAREFUL!?" Kwazii roared, "I'M ALWAYS CAREFUL!"

"No, you're not." Someone snapped at him from the doorway. Koshi took a quick peek at who it was and grimaced. From my position, the only thing I could see was a tool belt and brown work boots splattered with oil. Uh oh. (Here we go. You sent him kisses. I didn't know I would move in with his missus.)

"Kwazii, you put her down right this instant!" Tweak marched over, and out of fright, Kwazii immediately put me on the ground.

"Haven't I told you a million times not to go holding the kids upside down?!" Tweak screeched at him as the Captain made his way over.

"Tweak." The Captain gently placed a paw on her shoulder, "We have company over, please don't make a sce-." Before he could even finish his sentence, about 10 Vegimals came cannonballing in from the Octo-chutes. Oh great. Dinner hasn't even started yet and we were a mess.

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