Way Back Home

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Bianca and Tracker motioned for us to go to them, and we all ran, despite our tiredness, to them. Once the Captain was within reach, Bianca reached out, wrapped him in her arms, and practically lifted him off of the ground. The captain smiled and hugged her back.
"Good to see you Bianca." He chuckled. 
"Welcome back, sir." Tracked smiled, as he played with some of the Vegimals he had picked up in his arms, and was currently cuddling. Bianca smiled at the cuteness, put the Captain down, and turned to us kids.
"Do you all want to know a prank you can play on your siblings?" She smiled mischievously. We all nodded enthusiastically.
"So first," She began, her mischievous smile growing wider by the second, "You'll need to..."
"Alright, " The Captain cleared his throat loudly and put his arm around Tracker's shoulders,
"We should probably get back to the Octopod now. Everyone must be exhausted. Thank you for collecting us."  And with that, he began herding everyone to baggage pickup. We gathered around the conveyor belt and waited till we saw our luggage. Before we could do anything about it, the Vegimals chirped and clapped happily and climbed onto the conveyor belt to get the luggage. The Captain and Shellington immediately lunged forward, pulling the Vegimals off the belt. They giggled as Shellington picked them all up and cuddled him close as he picked them up one at a time. After getting all of the Vegimals and most of the luggage off of the belt, there was only Kwazii's suitcase left on the belt. He leapt forward to do whatever Kwazii did to retrieve a piece of luggage. It was almost 1 A.M. , and no one was in the mood for anything too wild. No one had slept on the plane, meaning everyone had been awake for more than 24 hours, and our brain cells were slowly dying with every second we spent awake. Luckily, the Captain stepped forward, and carefully lifted his suitcase off of the belt, but as he did, the suitcase broke open, and everything inside spilled out. Eyepatches, comics, pirate gear, everything in his bag scattered all over the ground. Everyone immediately bent down, and began picking everything up. As we did, some other creatures approached and helped us pick everything up. I noticed Tweak was eyeing them a bit wearily. She seemed to be watching intently if they gave the stuff to someone or pocketed it. After we were sure we had everything, we all stood up, thanked the creatures who had helped us, and made our way to the Gup that was waiting for us. The Captain waited for the rest of us to get in the Gup before he followed us in. Tracker drove, making friendly small talk with everyone, and trying to keep our minds off our exhaustion. Once we got back to the Octopod, no one spoke. My sisters and I stumbled into our room and collapsed on our beds without bothering to get into pajamas or do anything else for that matter. 

I woke up to sunshine filtering in through the windows, and Dashi sitting cross-legged on her bed, looking at something on her tablet. I sat up, blinking tiredly; I still wasn't too awake. For a second, I had forgotten where I was. Then it finally hit me. We were back on the Octopod. We were back home. It seemed too good to be true. 

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