Mixed Family

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I went down to the kitchen where Pinto was sitting, and he ran over to me the second he saw me.
"We're back." He seemed happy about that, "What do you want to do?" But his stomach gave me that answer to that question.
"Should we get something to eat first?" I suggested, a little sarcastically. The rumbling of his stomach was a little too obvious to ignore.
"So breakfast?"  He asked. I was silent for a minute and looked at the clock.
"It's around midday." I pointed out, "does it still count as breakfast?"
"Yes." he said, "It's the first meal of the day, it counts as breakfast!"
"Does not." I responded.
"Does too." he shot back. This went on for quite a while until Tweak walked in. We both stopped bantering and play-fighting with each other the second we saw her. Pinto and I were standing on the table; we had been fake punching each other and trying to knock each other off for a while. Tweak's eyes widened, and her mouth tightened into a line until finally, her face cracked into a slight, knowing smile, 
"Shoulda known it was you two." She chuckled, shaking her head "I was bein' silly, thinking it was a robber. The Vegimals left food in the fridge for us, I'll heat some up for you two." 
"Thank you!" We both went up to her, and hugged her in thanks.
"Aww," She chuckled warmly, "You're welcome" and she turned around, but as she did, she immediately turned back to us, looking rather suspicious.
"Waiiit, did you two do something that neither I or Peso and Dashi know about?" We both shook our heads. For once, that wasn't the case.
"Huh," She seemed surprised and turned back to get food for us, "You two must be more tired than you seem. Well, jet lag's gonna do that to you. Y'all should go back to bed for a while." Pinto hopped onto the table, a little too hyper, and yelled with a mischievous glint in his eyes,
"NEVER!" She looked towards me and shook her head, like she was saying "Can you believe him?" She stepped toward the table and lifted Pinto off and scolding him for climbing up on there. We all sat around the table for a few minutes, waiting for the food to cook, and once it did, Pinto, Tweak, and I all stood up and went over to the microwave. Tweak reached her paw into the microwave, and I saw her pull it back as soon as she touched the plates. She wrung her paws out and winced in pain. From the look of it, she had burned her paws. I went to the sink and turned the water as cold as I could get it. Tweak stuck her paws under the faucet and sighed. When I looked at her paw, the burn didn't look so bad. It was just a slight reddening of her skin underneath fur, and she didn't seem like she was in any pain. We all sat down to eat and as we did, everyone started to trickle in little by little. They'd all slept in later because, well, they could. After a while, everyone was laughing and chatting happily in the kitchen that could barely hold them, not minding that they were bumping shoulders with the people to either side. We were all smiling and talking animatedly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kwazii elbowing Tweak and grinning about something that Tweak clearly wasn't happy about. I motioned for Pinto, who was right behind me, to follow and rescue Tweak with me. When we got to her, Kwazii had seen us, so he came over to us, rubbed his paws over both of our heads, and pulled us both close to his chest, yelling about how small we were and whatnot while Tweak watched in amusement. He leaned in close, and whispered to both of us,
"I'm glad you two came along, lil mateys." This was family. This was the closest I'd ever get to heaven. 

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