A Woman of Her Word

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"Jane, come here. I need to talk to you for a sec." Dashi was standing in the doorway of our room, smiling fondly at the 2 of us, "So Tweak mentioned something about needing you at her workshop for the night, and I said it was OK, so if you want to-"

"Yes!" I exclaimed, sleepovers at Tweak's were one of the best parts about living on the Octopod. I got to help her with her projects, I could play videogames with her, and she let me talk to her about anything I wanted. I hugged her tightly, and tried to leave, but Dashi grabbed the back of my shirt before I could, and I could hear the amusement in her voice.

"Hold it right there, you can't leave until you pack." Oops. In my rush to get to Tweak's, I'd forgotten to pack. I speed-packed my stuff, barely LOOKING at what I was throwing into the bag, and ran toward the door until,

"Forgetting anything?" Dashi called toward me. I looked into my bag, pajamas, change of clothes, homework (she insisted), pencils, everything I'd need for school the next day,

"No." I said with only partial confidence I hadn't forgotten anything.

"What about Laika?" She smiled. I turned bright red. Laika was a little plush dog Dashi got me when I was born. I'm kinda ashamed to admit it, but I still sleep with her at night. 

"I don't need her anymore." Both my sisters' internal lie detectors seemed to go off. All 3 of us had some sort of sixth sense that could tell if one of us were lying. Sometimes it'd work out, sometimes, like now,  it wouldn't.

"Take her just in case." Dashi tenderly took her out of my bed and handed her to me. I hugged her tightly.

"Bye Dashi."I said to her as she gently hugged me back.

"Bye, have fun at Tweak's." I gave her one last squeeze, ran out of the room, slid down the Octochute, and landed in the Launch Bay, where Tweak was waiting for me with open arms. 

"I told you I'd bring it up with her, lil hellhound, and I'm a woman of my word." She beamed at me and looped her arm around me. She bent down to my level and asked me,
"Ready to get to work?" I nodded. Working on a Gup with Tweak was one of the best parts of living on the Octopod. She stepped slightly to the left, and I caught a glimpse of the Gup D, and it was shocking.

"What?! How did-?" I could barely get the words out. The whole front part had fallen off, and the claws had somehow transformed into hunks of twisted metal.

"Shellington." She sighed, staring at it forlornly, "How he managed to do it- I don't know." But he demeanor immediately changed, "Welp, at least we'll be kept busy all night! We won't be bored in the slightest." We immediately got to work fixing the mess that used to be the Gup-D, messing with the engine and tinkering with the metal exterior to return it to it's normal shape; mostly. 

"It's...far from where we started at least." I looked at Tweak hesitantly, the Gup was far from perfect, but it was usable, and it already somewhat resembled the Gup-D, but it was dented all over, and the paint was still scratched.

"You're right. So anyways, Dashi mentioned something to me about homework and I was wondering..."

"I already finished it." Darn it, I'd spoken too fast and too soon.

"Oh, you can't fool me, you little hellhound," Her eyes sparkled with mischief, and she ruffled my hair, "Come on, we'll do it in my workshop." She led me into her workshop, and I sat down at her desk while she knelt beside me. She looked at me pointedly and stuck out her paw. I gave her my science worksheet.

"Ah, biology I see." She studied it carefully, "Fill out what you can first and I'll see what I can help you with later." I filled it out to the best of my ability, and she stared at it for a second.

"OK, I'm gettin' Shellington." She chuckled. I mock gasped.

"Shouldn't you know this already?" I teased. She chuckled and shook her head.

"This is gonna be a long, wild night." She took my paw in hers, "But I think I'm gonna like it.

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