"Getting" The Captain

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A/N- Part of this story is based on a very interesting conversation I had with DolphinGirl123456, I recommend you check them out, they're amazing.

Early the next morning, it was me who woke Koshi up at 5 :30 AM, however unhappy she was about it. Dashi had gone to work in the HQ, so we were the only ones in the bedroom. As Koshi began to stir awake, I barely gave her the chance to open her eyes before I dragged her out of bed and into the Octo-Chute. We softly crept into the kitchen where Bianca and Squirt were waiting for us. We waited a while for Pinto to come, but he didn't.
"Where's Pinto?" Bianca asked us. We all shrugged, probably still asleep.
"I'll get him." I offered.
"I'll come." Squirt added, "Goodness knows what you're gonna do if you're going alone." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes at him, and gestured for him to follow me. We crept up the Octo-Chute and crawled through the door in his and Peso's room. They were both asleep, and I could find no way of waking Pinto up without Peso waking up too and finding out at first, but after staying pressed to the ground for a few seconds, I had an idea.
"Squirt, I whispered to him, "get a pillow from my room; it doesn't matter which one." He carefully tiptoed out of the room and came back holding a pillow. I took it from him, and tiptoed to Pinto's bed. Squirt was right behind me, crashed into me when I stopped, and nearly knocked me off balance. He grabbed me, but not before we made any noise. We froze instantly, silently hoping with all our hearts that we didn't screw everything up. Once we were sure we were in the clear, I lifted the pillow up, and hit Pinto across the head with it. He stirred, and groggily began to sit up.  Before he could wake Peso up, Squirt dragged him out of bed and down the Octo-Chute before he could say another word. He seemed to wake up a bit before we got to the kitchen.
"I appreciate you kidnapping me at 6 AM," He yawned, "But where's Bianca?"
"The kitchen." Squirt replied, "She said to get you, but you share a room with your brother and that was the only thing Jane and I could come up with doing." I nodded in agreement.
"You couldn't have hit me a little gentler?" He asked grumpily.
"No." I told him and patted his head. He shoved me playfully. I gently punched his arm back, and we played around until we got to the kitchen. Bianca, Koshi, and some of the Vegimals were waiting for us. We walked up to Bianca; there was a clear glass of orange liquid with ice cubes in it on the table, and out of curiosity, I reached over to try to put my paw into it. Before I did, Koshi slapped my paw away, and Bianca explained what the liquid was for.
"So Bar- I mean the Captain- will be finishing his workout soon. He'll probably be thirsty, and doesn't this look like a nice, cool, refreshing drink?" Here she winked at us, and turned the clear bowl upside down. The liquid didn't come out.
"Last night after you all went to bed, I put some plastic ice cubes and Jello liquid into this glass, and with some luck, we might convince the Captain that this is actually a drink." She looked from one of us to the other, a smile flitting across her face.
"All we have to do is wait a few minutes."

From my spot under the table, I saw a pair of heavy blue boots make their way across the kitchen floor and over to the counter. I leaned out a bit further. It was the captain all right, and he had taken the bait. He was holding the glass to his mouth, and seeming completely confused as to when the liquid wasn't moving.
"What on Earth!" he muttered to himself. He turned the cup upside down, and the Jello fell on the floor. At that second, he turned around immediately, and saw us hiding behind the table.
"RUN!" Bianca yelled toward us, and we all bolted. 

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