Frozen In Time

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I never expected to find something that Dashi thought had been lost for years. On the contrary, I expected to lose something Dashi told me not to lose, but nevertheless, my expectations were wrong, and things that I didn't expect to happen... happened. That morning, Koshi and I were running late, as usual. For some reason, 'punctual' is cut out of Koshi's vocabulary (it was never in mine to begin with) from the hours of 6-10 AM, and Dashi was frantic.

Now, when I am running late for something, it doesn't matter what, I'll forget the one thing I was supposed to bring and was forced by Dashi to take drastic measures the night before to make
sure I remembered to bring it, and here we were.

Koshi and I had just gotten back from classes and instead of packing up our backpacks and doing homework like normal people, we both flopped onto Dashi's bed and refused to move.

"Remind me to never be in the room with Shellington when he tries to carry one of his flasks and the Vegimals at the same time." The mattress muffled my voice, but I was still coherent enough for Koshi to make out what I was saying.

She giggled slightly, "What happened?"

"Pinto and I got Peso and now Shellington's probably being smothered in love by the Captain, Peso, and the Vegimals." Ah, good times, "Did anything interesting happen to you this afternoon?"

"I was in Inkling's class, what do you think?" She muttered.

"Fair point." I sat up and bounced a little on the bed, " Do you think Dashi'll notice if I go through her stuff?"


"SHOULD I go through her stuff?"

Koshi thought a little harder, "I mean, she isn't in here now."

"And you've always wanted to use that green sparkly pen she keeps in the top drawer of her desk." Tempting her a little more would never hurt.

"Yes- wait, how do you know it's in the top drawer?" Koshi surveyed me suspiciously.

"This isn't my first rodeo, dear sister."

"OK, fine." Koshi finally said a bit hesitantly, "But I'm keeping the pen."

"Good!" I replied cheerfully and pulled the bottom drawer of the camera shelf she has open to reveal a pink book (This is DASHI's room after all.) with loopy purple letters reading 'Precious Memories'. And at that exact moment I opened the book, Dashi came in the room to find Koshi and I standing by the camera collection both of us trying to hide the book.

"Girls," Dashi asked us sternly, "What did you do?" Koshi pulled the book out from behind her back and her eyes lit up.

"Where- where did you find this?" Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. Both of us pointed toward the bottom drawer from which the book came, "I thought I left that at the airport! Thank you for finding it. Oh, I am so showing Tweak."

"Can we come?" I asked eagerly as Dashi thought for a moment.

"I don't see why not." Yes, and she forgot we had homework, this was perfect.

"Tweaky!" Dashi exclaimed happily and ran to hug Tweak, "You'll never believe what the girls found."

"I take it that is ISN'T the pink, fancy book you've got in your paw?" Tweak chuckled.

"This isn't just a pink fancy book." Dashi had already sat down on Tweak's bed and was flipping through the pages, "Here, come look."

"Awwwww!" Tweak cooed the second her eyes fell on the book and my heart dropped to the tips of my toes. I think I had an idea of what was inside the book, "Koshi, girl, you were adorable as a puppy."

"Dashi!" Koshi protested as her cheeks burned red. Dashi laughed.

"C'mon, Kosh, you look cute!" She elbowed Koshi, who allowed herself a little smile.

"Do not." Koshi mumbled grouchily.

"Oh, here's my favorite!" Dashi exclaimed happily as Koshi and I looked at each other with an 'oh crap' expression. We tentatively looked over her shoulder and all four of our paws instantly went over the picture of both of our miniature selves in frilly pink dresses. Dashi and Tweak fell off the bed laughing.

"Girls- " Tweak wheezed, "Is it that bad?"

"Yes." I replied, "It's disgusting."

"Matching pink dresses are disgusting?" Dashi asked when she was finally able to stop laughing.

"Yes." Both Koshi and I answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"How old were you two in that picture?" Tweak asked curiously.

"Koshi was two and a half and Jane was about one." Dashi answered.

"How do you remember that?" Tweak asked in awe. Dashi flipped her hair and winked at her.

"I have my ways! Oh, and here's another really cute one-" Koshi and I immediately snatched the book from her.

"Girls," Dashi pretended to fix us with a angry look, "Give the book back."

"Never!" I yelled and ran for it.

"Make sure you bring back some of her baby photos." Koshi called to me.

"Make sure you DON'T!" Dashi called out as well.

"I will, Koshi, don't worry." I pretended to salute her as I ducked out of the Launch Bay.

"You'll never find them." Dashi singsonged. Oh, so that was the game she wanted to play.

Challenge accepted.

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