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"Hurry!" Dashi yelled at us, that's how you know a situation is serious, Dashi NEVER yells. I was still groggy from sleep, but one look at the clock woke me right up. It was 5 A.M. we had slept for an hour longer than we should of, and we had 2 hours to go to the airport, get through security, and get onto the plane. We panicked, and ran as fast as we could toward the bathroom, but unluckily for us, almost every single living organism on the Octopod was there as well, and we were all panicked. In the end, I went, "You know what, screw it!" and ran off to dress instead. After everyone was finally dressed and washed, we all ran into the Launch Bay, a mess. Captain Barnacles practically tossed us and all of our luggage into the Gup-X, and sped off to the airport. He wasn't frustrated with us, nor angry, only flustered. We all bolted into the airport as fast as we could, and it must've been quite the scene for the Aussies. We made a beeline for the check-in kiosk, but as we stood in that painfully long line, the Captain realized something, he lost the tickets. 
"The tickets,"  He asked frantically, "Where are the tickets?" We all started rummaging around our bags for them, tossing out anything that wasn't a ticket, including Kwazii's underwear, which he wasn't happy about. And after Tweak found them in the Captain's pocket, we had to weigh all of our bags. And we held up the whole. entire. line. The creatures behind us were getting frustrated, and I'm guessing it wasn't because they were tired. After that was finally over, it was time to go through security. Believe it or not, a venue where you walk through took longer than one where you just stand there. They had to split the kids and old people off from the others to go through a metal detector while everyone else went through another, and this place was packed. Through all the noise and bodies, a German Shepard reached me, and terror gripped my heart. I thought something happened to Dashi, but he pointed at the Vegimals and hollered to make himself heard, 
"HOW OLD ARE THEY?!" He asked.
"4" I hollered back. He gave me a thumbs up, and ran off to check someone who had set off the metal detector.
"Vegimals!" Pinto shouted, nearly drowned out in the sea of noise, "Follow me!" The Vegimals did as they were asked, and walked through the metal detector. But instead of staying by Pinto, they chittered happily, and ran back through it, back and forth, until I grabbed Tunip.
"Tunip," I cried, loud as I could to make myself heard, "Tell the others that you're only supposed to go through the detector once, and go meet Pinto on the other end!"
"CHEEPA," He chattered, and ran to grab Tominow, who the grabbed Codish, and it kind of became a more adorable version of Telephone. After all of us got through that, we waited for the adults to get through. But sadly, there was a little problem with Shellington's chemicals that he brought with him, and they took him away for an "evaluation". But as Peso yelled after the guard taking him away, the Captain started running toward him just as Inkling was coming out of the bathroom, and started following him yelling, 
"Halt!" It took another hour before Shellington was cleared to go on the plane with us, on one condition: He had to send the chemicals back to Natquik on the Octopod. He halfheartedly agreed, and we went to wait for our plane. After about 15 minutes of waiting, Kwazii, Pinto, and I got restless, and we were all hungry, so we went off to explore, and hopefully get some food. Tweak insisted on coming with us to make sure Kwazii was, and I quote, "Responsible with us." And off we went, until an announcement came onto the loudspeaker. 
"Will those boarding Flight 320, Terminal B please board the plane, it is about to take off."
"320, that sound's familiar!" Kwazii said.
"That's cuz it's OUR flight" Tweak hollered at him, "C'mon, run!"

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